Societal Well-Being
Autor: Mikki • January 24, 2019 • 1,255 Words (6 Pages) • 748 Views
The last modern concept is divine logic known otherwise as logos in ancient Greece. It posits that the world and nature in general occurred out the deity’s will and command. This helps bring some of the inconceivable concepts with the reach of human logic. People’s opinions vary in this regard because one entity’s view of a situation may be completely different from another entity’s view of the same situation. Therefore, it is essential and necessary to respect and consider the views of others within the society so as to maintain a happy and a peaceful community.
Heraclitus, famous for his insistence on ever-present change as being the fundamental essence of the universe, is quoted saying, "No man ever steps in the same river twice." Logos is the logic behind an argument. Logos tries to persuade an audience using logical arguments and supportive evidence. Just like Heraclitus had characterized all existing entities by pairs of contrary properties, whereby no entity may ever occupy a single state at a single time. This, along with his puzzling utterance that "all entities come to be in accordance with this logos.
In conclusion therefore, it is important to note that the ananke, fate of a given situation or individual is always one of the most uncontrollable force that exists in the society. To create a peaceful society there is the need for everyone taking it upon themselves to maintain good ethical standards and moral virtue, arete and avoid overstepping societal fixed limits through respecting other people's opinions/logos to the occurrence of hubris. All the concepts in this paper seem to interact in one way or another and have been seen playing a significant role in the well being of the Greeks and the general society at large. Its conclusive to say that practicing good moral standards is the preliminary point of achieving all the other concepts that will translate to a peaceful and stable community.
Work Cited
Green, Alison Clare. "The concept of Ananke in Greek Literature before 400 BCE." (2012).
Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell & Scott (1893: Oxford, Oxford University Press) "Arete/Agathon/Kakon", G.B. Kerferd (in Paul Edwards [ed.-in-chief] The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967: New York, Macmillan & The Free Press)
Graham, D. W. "Heraclitus and Parmenides". In Caston, V.; Graham, D. W. Presocratic Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Alexander Mourelatos. Aldershot: Ashgate. pp. 27–44. ISBN 0-7546-0502-7.
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle with chapter descriptions and direct chapter links for all 10 books.