The Magical Key
Autor: goude2017 • January 4, 2018 • 1,483 Words (6 Pages) • 783 Views
Angie finally caught up to Violet and could not believe her eyes when she saw the shining magical key in Violet’s hand. Before either of them could say anything a magical ball of light blinded both of them. As they opened their eyes there was a fairy right in front of them. Violet and Angie could not believe their eyes. Angie was the most confused out of the two of them. “Hello your highnesses, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I am your fairy godmother Melissa.” Melissa was a beautiful young fairy with long curly blonde hair and big beautiful green eyes. “What is going on?” Angie said with utter confusion. “Have a seat princesses we don’t have much time and I have to explain everything.” “Why do we not have a lot of time!” Violet asked. “Because you have found the magical key my darling. The key has magical powers and there are reasons why you have found it.” Said Melissa. “Can someone please tell me what is going on here!” Angie interrupted. Violet explained what had happened to her yesterday and Angie could not believe what Violet had told her. “So what does the key open?” Angie asked. “Yes, Melissa I need your help I don’t know what the key is for, I cannot find the key hole. Please tell me what to do with the key.” Said Violet. “The keeper of the key must journey in search of the keyhole for which their magical key was created. That is your purpose. I can not tell you how to go about it. I can only tell you that if you look for it, you will find it.” “Will the key open a door, or maybe a box? What does it lead to!” Angie asked. “You have so many questions that I can not answer. All I know that anything is possible in fairyland and that if you wish and search long and hard your dreams will come true.” Answered Melissa. Violet thought for a moment and asked, “You mean that if I dream about something it will come true?” “Yes my darlings, this journey is going to lead you to your destiny. All you have to do is believe.” Melissa replied. “How do we get to this so-called Fairyland?” Angie asked. “You must leave for Fairyland now, your destiny awaits.” A puff of smoke and Melissa vanished. All of a sudden behind Angie and Violet the ground started to shake and the wind started to blow. Violet and Angie turned around to see a portal swirling, they both looked up at each other in disbelief. Violet asked Angie “Do you believe in Fairyland?” Angie grabbed Violet’s hand and held it tight. “Anything is possible Violet, lets go on this adventure together!” The two best friends jumped in the portal to Fairyland to find what the magical key had in store for them.