Prostitution Should Be Legalised to Avoid More Social Problem
Autor: Sharon • February 6, 2018 • 1,381 Words (6 Pages) • 775 Views
Joey: for example, the family members will feel very disappointed, sad and hopeless. Other than that, domestic violence is also one of the family problems caused by prostitution.
Xian Mei: AIDS will destroy our children’s future. Parents who are AIDS patients will cause their infancy be the AIDS carriers.
Joey: they might be discriminate by their friends, relative and social.
Yen Li: AIDS really horrible. But it is not the merely type of venereal diseases. There are various types of venereal disease such as hepatitis B and syphilis. Venereal disease will ruin one’s life and might cause death.
Yee Wei: hey girls, think positive. By legalized prostitution, the job opportunity will increase and it might reduce the unemployment rate. Besides that, the prostitute might not belittle by the social anymore.
Chun kit: yes, that’s right. By legalized prostitution, the prostitute can be considered as a legal worker. They can also enjoy the allowances that others legal workers have.
Yee Wei: Furthermore, it also help in the growth of Malaysia’s economic. The government can make money through prostitution industry.
Chun Kit: this cause the win-win situation. So I strongly agree prostitution to be legalized.
Yen li: well, you should know that good times never last. As women get older, she would not be able to be a prostitute anymore. This is due to she has no longer has the market value. Women might die of hunger as she gets older, if she can’t find any new job other than be a prostitute.
Joey: As they no longer can work as a hooker they might spend their time by taking drugs and drinking. After they take drugs or drunk, they will lose their conscious. They might do some illegal things without their knowing. For example, stealing, drug trafficking and more.
Yen Li: this means the rate of crimes in a country will increase due to the jobless prostitute who involve in crimes.
Xian Mei: the disadvantages of legalized prostitution are more than that. There are not only women who are prostitute, there are also children who are forced into it.
Chun kit: who cares! We should focus on the overall situation not the tiny little problems.
Joey: are you genius! Do you know what you talking about? This is a serious and sensitive issue, how can you said like that.
Yen li: I think you should not be so selfish. We have to think for our young generation. We have to ensure they have a brighter and safe future but not be a bad model to the young. So the government should not legalize prostitution.
Joey: once our government legalized prostitution, the mass media will promote the advertisements about the prostitution on television, radio and even on line. This will affect the children’s mind and they might give it a try.
Yen li: well, curiosity kills the cat. They might be regret for their whole life after they give it a try especially girls.
Yee Wei: I think you are right, I am going to changes my mind. I think the government should not legalized prostitution because we should measure the pros and cons of it cautiously.
Xian Mei: hurray~ finally we changed Yee Wei’s idea.
Chun kit: Yee Wei! You should not easily affect by the others. You should stick to your own opinion.
Xian Mei: hey you, don’t lead her to the wrong way. You should wake up from your dream. Our government will not legalize prostitution.
Joey: Malaysia is a multiracial country we should respect to each other culture. Since most of our religion are crash with prostitution. So it is impossible for our government to legalized prostitution.
Yen Li: yeah~ you are right. The most important things is real man does not buy women with money. A real man will say no to prostitutes and they won’t hurt the girls for their own happiness.
Xian Mei: so, are you a real man?
Yee Wei: Chun Kit, you should change your opinion and accept the fact.
Chun kit: all right, all right. I will try to accept the fact although I’m not willing to.
Xian Mei: hey, it’s 9a.m your class going to start soon. You should attend your class now.
Chun Kit: ok. (He leaves the class room)
Joey: bye~