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Autor:   •  May 24, 2018  •  1,036 Words (5 Pages)  •  664 Views

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bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn

The power of man, for none of woman born

Shall harm Macbeth.

Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care

Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are.

Macbeth shall never vanquished be until

Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill

Shall come against him”

After Macbeth heard these prophecies he began feeling confidant in himself and tried to take many precautions in making sure these prophecies don’t come true although his council assured him that there would be no need to worry because there would be no man not born from a women and that he has secured the Dunsinane Hill so there could be no intrusion but the prophecy as all the others acted as a method of foreshadowing the future events in the play.

Macbeth has many traits that are exhibited in the play but the most prominent one being greed is the turning point that causes his downfall. Macbeth is weak in character and this is shown when he is so easily influenced by the Witches and their prophecies without even waiting to think about the prophecies and what could be the repercussions of them Macbeth had just jumped to the conclusion that he had to become king as fast a possible with a little push from Lady Macbeth they were both rulers of Scotland and they thought they got what they wanted although at what price did the power come at? They both have lost their sanity and faced harsh deaths, neither their title nor their power were able to save them when they needed saving. So in the end they went through all that trouble just to die a miserable death and have they’re names slandered and a legacy of greed and corruption left after them. Macbeth is a full adult who is fully capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong so for him to choose do the wrong thing cannot be anyone else’s fault except his. The Witches did tell Macbeth the prophecies but it was his choice to believe them he had no proof that they were going to come true so Macbeth made sure they would, ergo the witches are not to blame for Macbeth’s greed and foolishness.

So in conclusion the Witches are not to blame for the downfall of Macbeth he is to blame for his own downfall because it was him who murdered King Duncan, it was Macbeth that ordered the murder of Macduff’s family, and it was Macbeth that choose to believe the Witches prophecies.


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