Macbeth Essay
Autor: Joshua • December 22, 2017 • 1,032 Words (5 Pages) • 818 Views
sleepwalk one night, the emotions she was covering up the whole time, unfold as a result of the Doctor and Gentlewoman witnessing this. As she sleepwalks, she says “Out, damned spot! Out, I say one-two- why then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard… yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him” (5.1.37). Lady Macbeth, like her husband, was feeling remorseful. The spots that she was seeing on her hands symbolize sins. If she were to be clean or see no spots on her hands, this would symbolize her sins being cleansed or removed. She feels guilty because of the premeditated murders of Duncan and Banquo. She also says “Here’s the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand” (5.1.53). This quote from Lady Macbeth also expresses how ashamed she feels. From the beginning of the this tragic play, Lady Macbeth was in full support of Macbeth’s journey to become king. Because of Macbeth’s eagerness, Lady Macbeth has been mentally damaged. In fact, the guilt that existed because of Macbeth, ultimately lead to her death. Macbeth’s hunger and greediness did not only affect himself, but it affected his wife as well.
William Shakespeare uses symbolism to point out how Macbeth’s previous actions, which were fueled by the greediness and hunger to become king, altered the well being of not just himself, but Lady Macbeth as well. Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. In Macbeth, William Shakespeare utilizes this technique with the mindset of developing his overall message or central idea. The central idea of this tragic play is that destruction mentally, physically, and or socially, can be brought on when everlasting desire or ambition is more important to an individual than morals. Throughout the play, Macbeth gives off the impression of the ultimate goal of becoming king. He becomes so obsessed with this prestigious honor, that he develops the mindset of doing anything to achieve his objective, such as murder. King Duncan, Banquo and Lady Macduff, as well as her son, were victims of this. The ghost of Banquo and the floating dagger represent how guilty and mentally damaged Macbeth felt because of his recent actions, which were the result of his pursuit to become king. Eventually, Macbeth was killed by Macduff. This is a result of Macbeth doing literally anything to get what he wants. The sleepwalking incident and death of Lady Macbeth prove how one’s desire can affect another’s physical, mental and or social state. Lady Macbeth could not live herself because of the past events, and like Macbeth she eventually died. William Shakespeare utilizes symbolism to portray Macbeth’s flame of desire not only burning himself, but others around him as well.