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Julius Caesar’s Impacts on City of Rome

Autor:   •  January 13, 2019  •  874 Words (4 Pages)  •  693 Views

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When Caesar was in political debt, he raised two new legions and defeated first Helvetii, then Ariovistus, and finally left his army in winter quarters in the territory of the Sequani, signaling that his interest in the lands outside Gallia Narbonensis would not be temporary. And then he again raised another two legions in Cisalpine Gaul with double the military strength then the previous time. In response to Caesar’s this activities the tribes of north-eastern Gaul had begun to arm themselves. Caesar treated this as an aggressive move and conquered the tribes piecemeal. Also Caesar was avidly able to defeat any revolt attempts and even used potential revolts as a way to justify expanding Gaul to include a broader area. His campaigns in Bythinia, where he said “veni, vidi, vici” (meaning I came, I saw, I conquered”) were part of a broader and longer war so it’s hard to give him the complete credit for that. Julius Caesar’s bio seems something like; he conquered Gaul, fought civil wars, fell in love with Cleopatra, and then was assassinated. But the fling with Cleopatra seems to be a bit confusing at a larger point. In addition to all these his greatest accomplishment was bringing Egypt directly into the sphere of Roman influence.

Overall from the short story it can be said that he never lost a war and also the fact that he replaced the Roman Republic with an empire that lasted about 1,500 years. As a conclusion whether we look at him as a hero or a villain, the information given simply illustrates that he truly changed the world he lived in and that he continues to make a difference on the world even today.

(858 words)

Work Cited

Karpf, Jason “I Came. I Saw. I Spun” January 2008. Ur Courses. 14th October, 2017.



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