Investment into Alternative Energy Will Have a Positive Impact on Global Environmental Issues.’ to What Extent Do You Agree?
Autor: Sharon • February 20, 2019 • 1,635 Words (7 Pages) • 852 Views
nuclear energy can significantly reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissionsfrom the burning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, they maintain that most nuclear reactors have been operating with utmost safety for decades. Moreover, the supporters of traditional types of energy point out that “every energy technology has its own potential hazards: mines may collapse and kill miners; mining releases hazardous elements into the environment; offshore oil rigs can catch fire; oil spills poison marine life; hydropower dams may fail and cause floods; wind turbines may kill birds and deafen other animals”, Sorkhabi (2011). What this argument fails to consider, however, concludes Sorkhabi is that “meltdown at nuclear reactor and the huge release of radiation into the air, water, soil and food chain far exceeds the hazards from many other energy technologies, in terms of both its expanse and duration.” Fukishima accident has proved that nuclear energy operation cannot prevent the risks of irradiating environment. It is clear from this evidence that only increased investment into the new technologies and renewable sources will allow the world to move away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy which guarantees safer and cleaner environment free of carbon dioxide emissions in atmosphere and nuclear waste buried in the earth.
To conclude, it is clearly seen from the above arguments, that alternative energy is the world’s main source of sustainable future. It is a gift given to humanity by mother-nature and it is a crime to ignore it. It contains endless possibilities and opportunities that are waiting to be discovered and explored. The potential power of tidal waves, for instance, is enormous. It is true that this power can be destructive and devastating, yet conquered and controlled by modern technology, the tidal power can be used to generate electricity. Biomass, a natural material, is unlikely to expire any time soon, which makes it another unlimited resource where natural processes can be utilized to produce safe energy by means of alternative energy technologies. Our world is ready for a green lifestyle and the first step in this direction is to increase investments into alternative energy resources and technologies.
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