1984 in Class Essay
Autor: Rachel • November 12, 2018 • 1,161 Words (5 Pages) • 783 Views
One of Donald Trump’s main supporters, Rudy Giuliani, is politically recognized for his efforts resulting in the drop in crime due to the stop-and-frisk policy that was seen during his time as Mayor of New York City from 1994 – 2001. Giuliani expressed his support for Trump saying, “What I did for New York, Donald Trump will do for America” (Bump). Interestingly enough, the actions of stop-and-frisk had almost no correlation with the crime rate. Part of the policy focused specifically on gun crimes for part of its reasoning behind the integration of this policy. Trump’s reasoning that gun crimes are so high weapons need to be regulated this way, cross referenced with the FBI crime records show that “2016 saw the fewest shootings during the first six months of the year in decades” (Bump). The physical evidence shown in records and studies prove that the search and seizure method cannot be directly related to the drop-in crime.
A proper balance between national/personal safety and personal liberty has yet to be found. For some reason it is too difficult for society to see the solution as to just stop hating and accusing each other. There is no need for stronger security against specific countries; there can be a strong national security process required for everyone regardless of race or other discriminatory factors. President Trump is blind to equality, even if it means an equal vetting system for those who seem suspicious and those who do not. When it comes to the stop-and-frisk policy, the same standard is applicable; do not investigate any suspicion further based solely off suspicion. If all frisks or arrests were solely based off probable cause that can be proven in court, then the debate and argument over racial discrimination would be irrelevant and invalid. A proper balance is only achievable through the overcoming of racial discrimination and gut feelings. National unity, security, and freedom only comes when everyone is treated with equality and investigated with valid reason, because there never is such a thing as safety, only regulations.
Works Cited
Bergner, Daniel. “Is Stop-and-Frisk Worth It?”. The Atlantic, April 2014.
Bump, Philip. “The facts about stop-and-frisk in New York City”. The Washington Post, The
Fix, September 26, 2016.
“Full Executive Order Text: Trump’s Action Limiting Refugees into the U.S.”. The New York
Times, 2017.
Gupta, Arun. “The Crackdown Has Begun”. “The Progressive”, May 2017.
U.S. Constitution. Art. V, Sec. 3.