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Race Is a Social Construct

Autor:   •  December 13, 2017  •  853 Words (4 Pages)  •  778 Views

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Social construct has affected not only American’s but different ethnic groups all around the world. In Brazil their trying to implement ways to avoid this issue. This issue has been going on for decades all over the world. In an article talking about Racial constructs in Brazilian football, Fernandes talks about how “Freyre’s ideas about race and ethnicity, and his discussion of the nature of the Brazilian mulatto, this paper discusses his ideas which, seven decades later, still reverberate in debate on ethnic and racial issues in Brazilian football” (Freyre 1). The world has always been subdivided into groups based on race and culture. Hartigan discusses how “Race and culture, two of the most powerful analytical fulcrums of the past century, are curiously intertwined. Each has been invoked to inscribe nefarious distinctions between peoples. Both concepts are also used to analyze and critique such practices that spuriously subdivide humanity. In addition, race and culture are each subject to periodical critical reevaluations of their conceptual coherence and relevance” (Hartigan 1).

The world is controlled by social constructs from 99% of humanity. Some people were simply raised that way and others decide their own morals. There are people in the world that choose to live without race being a social construct. They view everyone as equal individuals with equal rights. Although that’s not how the world wants us to be, they do exist. Social constructs do control this world for better and for worse. There is “No biological basis for racial categories” (Jeffries 1) yet the world categorizes you by physical characteristics and judges you by your ethnicity, without leaving a space for people who are more than one race. In this day in age race IS used as a social construct.


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