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One Eyed Boy

Autor:   •  February 18, 2019  •  2,495 Words (10 Pages)  •  790 Views

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“Yea ’m ready”. As soon as Rooney threw the ball the coach blew the whistle, which interrupted Rooney’s shot .The ball was spiraling at Joey and hit him right in his left eye. Joey fell to the ground crying in pain. The coach runs up to Joey “are you ok son”. Joey replies in agony repeatedly. “I can’t see coach I can’t see” . “SOMEONE CALL JOEYS FATHER” the coach said. Rooney ran to Joey’s bag grabbed his phone, and called Joeys father. After ten minutes Scott arrived he got out of the car and ran to the field. “JOEY, what happened to you son”. Joey couldn’t bear the pain he couldn’t even speak. Rooney walked up and explained what happened. “I accidentally hit him in the eye when we were practicing Mr. Scott, I’m very sorry”. “It’s ok Rooney ’m taking him to the hospital”. Scott carried Joey to the car and sat him in the passenger’s seat. He started the car and headed straight to a hospital nearby. While he was driving he checked up on Joey. “how you holding up son”. “It really hurts dad”. “I know so we’re almost at the hospital”. It was dark Scott could barely see the road even with the headlights on. Scott spotted the hospital from afar. As he approached the hospital there was another car heading towards them. “DAD LOOK OUT”. The car hits them head-on. Joey and Scott were knocked out due the collision. Joey woke up. A person with a white coat approached Joey. “You finally woke up”. “What happened doctor”. “You got into a car accident, luckily one of our nurses saw what happened and brought you here, also i took a look at your eye it seems that you have damaged your retina”. “What the does that mean doc”. The doctor hesitated for a second. “It means you won’t be able to see from your left eye” Joey was in shock he couldn’t believe. “Do you play any sports boy”. “Yes, I play baseball”. “Well we will have to notify your coach and tell him that you can’t play baseball anymore”. “NO please don’t, you don’t know how much this means to me I have a very important game tomorrow”. “I’m sorry but playing with a damaged retina can be dangerous”. Joey cried to the doctor. “Please doc doesn’t tell my coach I have to be at this game, I have to be”. The doctor saw the determination in his eyes. “Alright just be careful, if anything happens come straight here”. “Thanks doc”.

Joey gasped. “Doc where’s my dad”. “He’s in the other room”. “Can I go see him”. “Sure but before you go I have to warn that your dad was severely injured, he got impaled with a very large piece of windshield even if we do take it out he could possibly die from internal bleeding”. Joey didn’t want to believe it he ran to the other room and walked up to his dad. Joey cried his dad’s name. “Dad, dad please wake up dad”. Scott woke up and saw his son he was relieved he was ok” “Hey son how you holding up”. “Nevermind me dad are you ok. “Yes, of course, i’m ok son”. Joey started crying. “I don’t know what I would do if you were gone, dad. “Hey hey no crying I’m alright I will always be here for you son”. “Hey I got you something, it’s on the desk over there go get it”. Joey walked up to the desk. “It’s a locket”. “Open it”. Joey opens it and saw something so emotional. “It’s you and mom”. “Yes, and that baby she’s holding is you”. “I probably won’t be able to make it to your game tomorrow”. “It’s ok dad I’ll win this game for you and bring the trophy”. “Franks dad will be picking you up tomorrow, I hope you do well”. “Thanks, dad”. Joey hugs his dad, heads to the other room and falls asleep.

Its Saturday morning Joey wakes up and gets ready for his big game, he grabs his bag and puts his equipment in the bag he saw the locket on the desk he grabbed it and gently placed it in his bag Joey walks in other room where his dad is, he’s still asleep. He hugs his dad and leaves the hospital, Joey waited outside for a few minutes. Joey heard a loud horn and already knew it was Frank. He runs up to the truck. “Hi, Mr. Steven”. “Hey, Joey you ready”. “Yeah, I’m ready”. “Hop in”. Joey puts his stuff in the back of the truck and gets in. Steven drives off to the school where the big game is hosted. They arrive at the back of the school. “Alright, we’re here”. They all got out of the car and head to the field. A lot of people were at the stand Joey and Frank start walking together. “Good luck in your game today Joey”. “Thanks, Frank”. “I’ll be cheering you on in the stand”. Joey heads to the locker room where he is greeted by everyone. Everyone was concern if he was ok. Rooney walks up to Joey. “Hey how’s your eye”. “Bad I can’t see from my left eye, but that won’t stop me from winning this game. Everyone was shocked. A whistle was blown. The coach walks up to Joey. “Joey are you sure you can play this game today”. “Yes, sir”. “Alright everyone let’s have a great game and win that state title for our school. They all head out to the field, Joey was the first one to bat. He was nervous he couldn’t see with his left eye but at the same time determined. He walked up to the home base and the pitcher took his stance. He threw the ball, it was fast, Joey missed. The pitcher took his stance again and threw the ball, but it was no use Joey missed again. Joey took a deep breath.”I can do this”. The pitcher gave a smirk to Joey he threw the ball once more, it was faster than the last. Joey took one swing and sent the ball right out of the field. Everyone started cheering. Joey started getting used to his injured eye and started to hit home runs left and right.

They finally won the game everyone started cheering for Joey even people in the stand. After the game, everyone headed to the locker room, where they were greeted by the coach. “You guys did great out there today especially you Joey, now here I present you the state championship trophy and the MVP trophy goes to Joey. Everyone started cheering for him. “Thank you, everyone, for supporting me you guys mean a lot”. After that small reunion everyone started to pack up and leave, Joey was the last one in the locker room. Joey receives a call. “Hello”. “Yes is this Joey”. “Um yeah who’s this”. “I’m the doctor from the hospital”. “Joey um I have some bad news, your father has passed away”. Joey started to tear up. “Wait for what, what do you mean he passed away ”. “Yes, I’m sorry Joey your father died”. Joey hung up his phone and dropped to the floor in tears. “WHY WHY WHY DAD”. “You said you would be here for me, why did you have go”. Joey’s bag fell and something fell out. It was his locket. Joey stopped crying and admired it, he realized that he that his dad and his mom was


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