Investigation About Opening Anticafe in one Among 5 European Countries
Autor: Maryam • October 4, 2017 • 4,338 Words (18 Pages) • 915 Views
How Much Time People Spend on Their Self-studies
[pic 6]
Bar Chart 6
Judging from the numbers in bar chart 6, we may admit that majority of the respondents may spend only 1 to 2 hours daily on their self-study or work. The largest number belongs to people from Ireland (30 people), the second largest number is 25 people from the Netherlands, then goes Denmark with 20 respondents and the UK and Finland have the equal number – only 15 people. However, there are people that may spend up to 4 hours of their free time on their self-study or work. The numbers are the following: Denmark, the UK and Ireland – 15 people, then the Netherlands come with 10 people and the last place is for Finland. What is more, one female from the Netherlands said that she does not spend any time on her self-study as she does not study at all.
As it has already been said before, some of our respondents successfully combine study/work and leisure time. So, it was a good idea to include a question that deals with combination of studying/working process with spending time with pleasure. The results are given in bar chart 7 below.
Do you think you can combine your work / study and leisure time?
[pic 7]
Bar Chart 7
This bar chart deals with the number of people who can combine work / study with their leisure time. As you may see, the chart is divided into 2 parts – Yes- and No-answers. All the respondents from the UK and Finland gave a positive answer, while 5 people from the Netherlands and 5 from Denmark together with 10 people from Ireland gave a negative answer. So, we may conclude that for some people it may be quite difficult to combine studying or working process with leisure time.
Now let us have a close look at the result to the next question that was asked to the respondents. See bar chart 8.
Would you like to have a space nearby where you can study / work, chill out and create at the same time?
[pic 8]
Bar Chart 8
Looking at these amazing results, it may be claimed that almost all respondents (215 people) from all 5 European countries would like to have a space nearby where they can study / work, chill out and spend their free time with great pleasure. Only 5 people (entrepreneurs, students and office workers from Denmark) consider this idea to be not effective and state that work / study and leisure must be separated.
With due consideration on these results it is obvious that the idea of creating Anticafe would be quite useful and helpful. Respondents were given full information and clear explanation of such kind of a café, and the results to the next question “What activites would you prefer to have at Anticafe?” are the following.
What activites would you prefer to have at Anticafe?
[pic 9]
The United Kingdom
[pic 10]
The Netherlands
[pic 11]
[pic 12]
[pic 13]
Pie Chart
Let me draw your attention to these five pie charts. They represent the number of people who would like to have certain activities at Anticafe such as reading books, watching movies, having specific workshops, lectures and seminars, meeting of the clubs of interests, playing table or computer games, holding poetry evenings and having team activities.
As you can see, respondents from Denmark, the UK and the Netherlands prefer watching movies (35, 35 and 30 people respectively), while in Ireland and Finland this number is less – only 25 and 10 people respectively would prefer such kind of activity. At the same time 35 people from Ireland would like to meet at the clubs on interests, and there is equal number of respondents from Finland who would prefer having meetings of the clubs on interests, team activities and playing computer games – 15 people to each of these criteria respectively.
What is more interesting, no respondents from Finland would prefer reading books or playing table games at Anticafe, but they would organize specific workshops, lectures or seminars or watch movies (10 people for each of these criteria accordingly).
The next two questions presented to our respondents concerned the issue of necessity of having special events (poetic evenings, music concerts) held in Anticafe and leading such events to share talent. Below you can see a bar chart 9 that shows a comparison between the answers to these questions.
Would you like to have special events (poetic evenings, music concerts) held in Anticafe?
Would you like to lead such events to share your talent?
[pic 14]
Bar Chart 9
If you look closer to this bar chart, you will notice that almost all the respondents from five countries would like to attend special events that could be held in Anticafe. The most active people were from the UK, as no one answered “No”, but speaking about respondents from Finland, here we may see that 15 answered positively, but at the same time 10 respondents were against this idea.
Drawing your attention to the answers to the second question, I would like to point out that not all respondents are ready to lead such events and, what is more, share their talent. For instance, 15 out of 50 people from the Netherlands answered negatively, 10 people from Denmark and Ireland and 5 people from the UK and 5 from Finland were against this idea at all. To conclude, we may assume that, in general, people are pro to visit special events, but not all of them would like to lead them.
It was a great surprise to find out that all 220 respondents answered positively to the question “Would you recommend such a place to your friends?”. It means that if the idea of opening Anticafe in any of presented countries came into life, many people of different age and occupation would attend it,