Lady Tara and Lady Meicha
Autor: Tim • November 15, 2018 • 2,568 Words (11 Pages) • 625 Views
Lady Myhrtasha uses the power of the life wand. Lady Tara and Lady Meicha throw out the ground, they are wounded and weak. Lady Myrhtasha slowly appear to the destroyed barrier with the smoke, without even wound.
LADY TARA: NO……...!!!!
(Lady Myrhtasha starts to laugh, a witch laugh.)
LADY MYRHTASHA: You two are helpless, PATHETIC!!! (Laughing), you don’t see that the powerful wand is in my hand are you blind (laughing) I will get your power using this wand and I will kill you two!
LADY MEICHA: Please don’t kill us! Please…. I’m begging you... were friends.
(Lady Tara starts to cry)
Lady Myrhtasha quickly uses the power of the life wand and sucks all the power of Lady Tara and Lady Meicha. OH! YES!!!!!! I feel the strongest power of all (LAUNGHING)
LADY MYRHTASHA: Since I’ll promise that I won’t kill you two! I will assure you that you will be useful as well.
Lady Myhrtasha uses her word spell, and the magic comes out from her mouth it becomes wider and wider and goes into Lady Tara and Lady Meicha until it covers them, suddenly they gone. When the smoke clears and the word spell finished the two frogs appears.
LADY MYHRTASHA: (LAUGHING) Well! Well! Well... you two are useful now! What an ugly creature!!
Lady Myhrtasha scared the two frogs and walk away! (The witch laughs continue and slowly disappeared)
(One wounded merchant saw what happened.)
MERCHANT: I need to find Lady Capillar she’s in trouble; I need to find the portal that connects to the Earth, IMMEDIATELY!!!!
(The portal is in the dark place of FEAR LAND, no one tried to go there because death will end their life.)
Wounded Merchant pursue to find the portal even though he is wounded, he travelled many days and survive the challenges. (Finally he is now on the FEAR LAND)
FEARLAND, late morning
MERCHANT: FINALLY! I’m here. But where is the portal?
(Suddenly a smoke comes out and covered all the land and woman appears)
MERCHANT: What are these! Is this my fear!!! NO! NO……
Merchant saw the woman walking into him.
MERCHANT: Who are you……… MOTHER!
WOMAN: (PEACEFUL) Yes my son! I am your mother.
MERCHANT: But my mother past away many years ago! I don’t believe in you! You’re fake you’re just my fear!
WOMAN: NO!!!!!!!!! (The woman transformed into wolf and rid through the merchant and bites until the blood flows)
MERCHANT: NO!!!!!!!!!............. (Merchant are dying and losses his breathing.)
The surroundings are clear, the smokes are gone and the wolf disappeared. There’s a light coming out between the trees.
MERCHANT: That’s the portal; I need to get up and go there. (But the merchant cant until the dove rest towards him.)
The merchant tried to talk the dove and lead a message for Lady Capillar, the dove understand him and fly through the portal and disappeared. And they’re the merchant died.
EARTH; New York, at the forest, morning
Lady Capillar is singing lullaby while watching the beautiful creation of nature at the window. Lord Veine and the 12 year old child Mhedina walking into her.
Come Mhedina take a look at these! Why are you so happy my love? Lord Veine asked. I am happy because we are all together like a happy family! No strangers, no enemy and even no used of magic. I want my daughter live in peaceful! Sigh…….
Ok my love I will respect your decisions.
Mom! Look at that b
My name is “Reyvin MckinRost” 16 years old, I’m from the family of a hidden heroes it is obvious right but it’s true my parents told me that they’ve got their special powers from our goddess ancestor’s, it’s been a long story ..I have a 14 year old sister “MIX MckinRost” that can transform whatever she wants, and my Mom (Jennifer MckinRost) that can make the water move in short she have the power of water and my Dad (Master Donald MckinRost Jr.) have the power of fire. Only I cannot know my special ability, I’m worried and sometimes I’ve get jealous from them, for why I have no powers, and I start to think that I’m worthless I want to be like them, sometimes I ask my mom and my dad of what power I have they’ve just tell me that it will come soon…but when……so I decided to discover mine, I ask my mom to have a vacation to my grandma’s house “mom, can I visit grandma and also can have a vacation?” (It is my only way to discover my special ability so I will ask my grandma of what power I have) …,”OK” my mom replied, while slicing carrots in the kitchen, (Jake starts to play video game on his computer) Mom! Can I also go please!!!I’m begging you please!!! MIX asks Mom, of course sweetheart you can go with Jake, BUT JAKE!!!!!!!(Mom shouted) You should bring your younger sister their…MOM!!!!!!!!!!! I already told you that MAY disobeyed me…Are you answering me!!!!!!!!NOPE…Ok fine I will bring her. (7:30 PM MONDAY) We already packed our things and suddenly my room opened its mom, Hey mom!(Mom sit beside my bed and start to talk) Too excited huh!....take a look with your younger sister Jake your father lend me a message that you two will be careful because the immortal soldiers of LADY MyhrTASHA are scattered on earth.,(My Dad is on his duty as master and also a super hero in the secret land known MHYDOWEDIA to guard the portal that is connected to the earth it is too dangerous but he will do it to save the Earth)
Who is LADY MyhrTASHA Mom? It’s a long story son? she is our goddess ancestor, the traitor she stole the powerful wand in the life tree and killed many people, your grandmothers father(Lord Veine) and mother(Lady Capillar)fight against MyhrTASHA ,but they failed Lord Veine died to save Lady Capillar But Lady Capillar is al died.