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Adults and Today’s Education

Autor:   •  June 10, 2018  •  1,698 Words (7 Pages)  •  784 Views

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Because of these, more parents are alarmed and vexed that irresponsible students might sway their children to these objectionable doings. The call of times then, is to know the values of high school students, which form of part of a whole individual and a productive member of the society. On knowing their values students will be able to understand themselves and create solution to any problems that will be encountered in the future.

Hence, this study was conducted to determine the values of criminology students.

Statement of the problem

The study sought to determine the instrumental and terminal values of criminology students. It also attempted to determine the relationship between the students’ values and some selected variables.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

- What is the profile of the respondents in terms of criminology studets?

- Age;

- Sex;

- Year level;

- Religion;

- Family size;

- Family structure;

- Sibling order;

- Monthly income of parents;

- Educational background of parents;

- Occupation of parents;

- Type of school;

- What are the instrumental and terminal values of criminology students?

- What instrumental values are important to attain the terminal values?

- Is there a significant relationship between the values of students and the selected profile variables?

Research hypothesis

The following research hypothesis were tested in the null form at .05 level of significance

- There is a significant relationship between the instrumental and terminal values of high school students and selected profile variables.

Significance of the study

The result of the study will provide the administrators adequate information on the priority values of students that could serve as inputs in curriculum development and other extra-curricular activities. For the guidance counselors, it will give them insights and bases in guiding criminology students on what values to enhance and further develop as well as to minimize its manifestation.

Moreover, the result of the study may help the teachers to understand the nature of the classroom. On the other hand, this study will provide the parents’ bases in guiding their children in a way they should go and not to be swayed by irresponsible doings.

Further, result would provide the students information on the instrumental and terminal values necessary for development and progress.

Lastly, results could serve as basis to future researchers for a more in-depth study on the instrumental and terminal values of criminology students.

Scope and delimitation

This study focused on the instrumental and terminal values of public and private criminology students in Pangasinan, from first year to fourth year who are officially enrolled during the school year 2015-1016in particular, only the instrumental and terminal values included in the rokeach values survey were considered.

Definition of terms

To facilitate understanding of the study, the following terms and variables were defined as they were used in the study.

Values Rokeach (1973). As cited by piirto (2002) defines values as enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence.

Instrumental values. These represents the 18 “means” an individual prefers for achieving important “ends”. Theses 18 means include ambitious, broadminded, capable, cheerful, clean, courageous, forgiving, helpful, honest, imaginative, independent, intellectual, logical, loving, obedient, polite, self-controlled, and responsible (Rokeach as cited by Piirto, 2002).

Terminal values. These are 18 preference concerning “ends” to be achieved by an individual can no longer answer the question of “why” with “because” a terminal values has been reached. These 18 preferences include a comfortable life. Equality, an exciting life, family security, freedom, happiness, inner harmony, mature love, national security, pleasure, salvation, self-respect, a sense of accomplishments, social recognition, true friendship, wisdom, a world of peace and a world of beauty (rokeach 1973 as cited by Piirto).

Family structure. This refers to the arrangement of family wether nuclear or extended.

Nuclear family. It refers to a family consisting of parents and their children living in one household.

Extended family. A group of parents, their children, and other relatives living in close proximity or together.


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