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A Streetcar Named Desire

Autor:   •  December 13, 2018  •  1,131 Words (5 Pages)  •  749 Views

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As the play progresses, Tennessee Williams uses the symbol of music to foreshadow the outcome of Blanche’s attempts to reconcile her past with her future. In multiple scenes, the “Varsouviana Polka” is a song that represented an escape from one’s miserable life. It is constantly played when Blanche recounts part of her past and feels overwhelmed with all the lies she created. As she explains her husband’s death to Mitch, the Polka begins to play louder as Blanche start to admit the guilt she feels concerning Alan’s suicide. Nevertheless, the polka comes to an abrupt stop when Mitch accuses Blanch of using him as an escape of her past that haunts. Thus, she fails to be able to reconcile her past with the present that she desires. In addition, the song, “It’s Only A Paper Moon”, clearly reflect Blanche’s need for other to believe the facade that she built in order to hide the reality of her past. Indeed, she desires to view the world in a beautiful light rather than facing the harsh reality of it. However, Blanche’s struggle to convince others of her illusion is overpowered when Stanley exposes all of her lies while she is bathing and singing part of the lyrics. Hence, she is unsuccessful at suppressing her past. Furthermore, Tennessee Williams use the blue piano to emphasize the mood of the upcoming scene and suggest the impending events. The blue piano grows louder as Blanche reveals some truths about her past such as the loss of Belle Reve. Also, the scene in which the “barely audible blue piano begins to drum up louder” alludes to Blanche’s rape that represents Stanley’s victory in the struggle and ultimately her failure to enable her past to coexist with her present. Therefore, the music in the play symbolizes Blanche’s struggle and inability to find a balance between her past and her present.

In conclusion, Blanche’s struggle to reconcile her past with her present situation was shown through the symbols of bathing, light and music. Indeed, Blanche desired for a present that coexisted with her past however, her pursuit of it was sabotaged by her inability to be honest. In the end, Blanche’s defeat and the loss of her illusions resulted in her downfall into insanity. She was longer able to cope with her reality, thus she escaped into a fantasy that enable her to truly elude her past.


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