Uniqlo Davidson's 6 Requirement
Autor: Tim • February 28, 2018 • 7,057 Words (29 Pages) • 662 Views
the company enters international market where it operates in lots of places which are Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Belgium and Russia. By this the company can extend their business and get more customers globally. This will help in multiply the name of the business to be more well known. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is markets.
Diagram 3 : UNIQLO’s website that shows every country they operate (Fast Retailing, 2016)
Diagram 7 : Review on UNIQLO’s company. (Urstadt, 2010)
The statement that shows Self-concept in the mission statement is “To create truly great clothing with new and unique value”. Self-concept is a major competitive advantage in the company which means I UNIQLO is on their high quality product with low prices. Based on diagram above, Urstdt (2010), stated that UNIQLO is a low-cost product but have high quality. Here shows that the statement of to create truly great clothing with new and unique value is valid. He also stated that UNIQLO chose fabric rather than fashion, as the area they want to excel. By them trying to create great cloth with new and unique value, they have staff that none with less than twenty years. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is self-concept.
Concern for Survival, Growth and Profitability
Diagram 4 : Message from The CEO (Yanai, 2016)
The statement that shows concern for survival, growth and profitability in the mission statement is “seek to grow”. UNIQLO is still growing and by that they need to survive and by growing it means the need profit. The statement from the CEO above showing that the company is still in the process of developing. They have specific aim on time where they stated “Over the next three years” to see changes in the industry where here shows that UNIQLO aiming for survival and growth. In addition with the statement “will advance simultaneously” where UNIQLO really wants to grow their company rapidly. The statement “able to rapidly produce optimum volumes” in the other hand show that UNIQLO is aiming to be more successful in future which is getting profitability. This mission will keep them on track. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is concern for survival, growth and profitability.
Diagram 6 : The insights from the CEO of UNIQLO (Yanai, 2016).
The statement that shows the Philosophy in mission statement is “enable people all over the world to experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction of wearing such great clothes”. Based on above diagram, UNIQLO is passionate on creating clothes that comfortable and also they are striving for a high quality, fashionable, affordable and comfortable, which indicates the wants the people to experience great clothes which makes them happy and satisfied.
“It doesn’t matter who you are or where you live, UNIQLO makes clothes that transcend all categories and social groups. The clothes are made for all, going beyond age, gender, occupation, ethnicity and all the other ways that define people” (Jun, 2010). UNIQLO have this beliefs that they want everyone in the world to experience the greatness and satisfaction of their products.
There is also another statement in the mission statement which is “to enrich people’s lives … unity with society”. Based on above diagram, UNIQLO wants to improve product development where shows that UNIQLO to enrich people’s lives where they want to make sure the customer loves to wear their product. “At UNIQLO, we believe that everyone can benefit from simple, well-designed clothes. Because if all people can look and feel better every day, then maybe the world can be a little better too” (Jun, 2010). This shows that UNIQLO wants to enrich people’s lives also with an addition to unity with society. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is philosophy.
Diagram 7 : The technology that UNIQLO have done (UNIQLO, 2016)
The statement that shows technology in the mission statement is “seek to grow”. Technology is when the business is keeping up with the latest technology or trend that keep their product or service up to date. It means that UNIQLO seek to grow and by that they need to use the latest technology. Based on above diagram, UNIQLO is using HEATtech and AIRism technology in their shirt which shows they use the technology that none other business is using yet. HEATtech is a thin shirt but have this technology that produce heat from moisture evaporating from the body. As for AIRism, it is an ultra-thin shirt innerwear that gathers moisture from the body to wick it making the user feel cold even in hot weather. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is technology.
Concern for Public Image
The statement that shows the concern for public image in the mission statement is “to enrich people’s lives through our unique corporate activities”. UNIQLO have done many things to keep their public image on a right track. In 2012, there’s a demonstration at UNIQLO’s store in Shanghai where the Chinese citizens stuck a sign that read “Senkaku Islands belongs to China”. Senkaku Island is an uninhabited island that is controlled by Japan in the east China. UNIQLO put away the sign but the demonstration consist of many people so the police officer there insisted that UNIQLO put back the sign for safety purposes. Even it against the policy of UNIQLO to not involve in any political stance or voice its opinion regarding diplomatic, but the store put back the sign for 40 minutes until the demonstration pass (UNIQLO CO., LTD, 2012). This show that UNIQLO does concern about public image where they want to make sure that their reputation is not going down. They don’t want to find any trouble in international market. They enriching the people and also their culture there.
They also have done lots of charities events. In 2013, they have this campaign ‘Clothes for Smile’ where they help by raising 10 million USD fund to donate to UNICEF for education projects in Philippines, China and Serbia. Based on Diagram 8 below, UNIQLO makes an initiative to