Mgmt 5610: Applied Professional Business Communications
Autor: Maryam • October 6, 2018 • 2,065 Words (9 Pages) • 844 Views
Why it is useful
This research focused on the public communication which plays the basic roles in the developing society. As the globalization comes, more chances and challenges exit in the cooperating business activities. This research makes the definition of the communication and provides the basic roles of the communication in the developing society. The two basic role is understanding and sharing which is the emphasis for my research to discuss about the importance of communication. This article provide some useful example to prove the requirements of communication in the globalization which is becoming a popular topic in the present business activity. The case like cooperation in regional economic and scientific research including The APEC, IMF and World Bank are all belong to these types of organization. People from different countries improve their levels of cooperating by communication because of the cultural differences.
Reference (2)
Shirley McHugh, Jeannie Pollard & Shirley McHugh 1996, Pitman business communication, Longman, Melbourne.
Summary of main argument
The sharing of information among people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. Business communication can refer to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers. The main components of business communication process are as follows: context, sender, message, medium, decoder, feedback. Business communication includes constant flow of information. The integral part of business communication is feed back. Moreover,communication plays a significant role in process of directing and controlling the people in the group. The communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society at large should be effective. It is essential for growth and success of organizations.
Why it is useful
This research analysis the definition of the business communication which is related to my topic and focused on the process components in business communication which will help my research have a clearer idea to the business communication. Moreover, this research have a brief introduction to the roles of communication in business activity. It provides the evidence of the importance of the communication for employees which is useful for my topic. Also, It provides two type of business communication: the oral communication and the written communication. That is good material to broaden my views about the different roles of different types of communication in business activity. The article also choose the business activities and cooperation in Melbourne and explore the business communication in details by analyzing the action of different business groups.
Reference (3)
Dauletova, Victoria 2015, Innovating business communication courses in Oman: from design to implementation, Routledge, London.
Summary of main argument
Business Communication is goal oriented. The regulations, policies and roles of the organization have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. It is also regulated by certain rules and norms. The communication skills have much progress because of the developing technological society. In last times, business communication was limited to telephone calls and paper work. However, at the present with advent of technology, people have cell phones, emails, satellite communication and video conferencing to support their business communication. Effective business communication helps in building the better achievement of an organization. This article introducing the development of the communication skills and some innovation in this area.
Why it is useful
The material focuses on the technological progress on the communication skills and provide some useful examples about the developing achievements such as the video conferencing, the email and the satellite communication which are popular among the modern business communication. This article helps me hold a clear view about the changes of the communication skills and ensure the constant goals of communication. Moreover, my topic also analyses the importance of the communication to the development of technology. This article can also provide useful information for me to explore more relationships between the communication and the technology developing. This article provides some specific examples about the development and innovation of the communication skills, then introduces their real effects to the industrial revolution by some company and organizations’ issues.
Reference (4)
Choren, Alexander 2014,The Importance of Communication in the Workplace, IEEE, New York.
Summary of main argument
Communication is also a source of information to the organizational members for decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions. Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark. Communication nowhere have the effects to the external and internal systems for the company during the transform process. During the complex and painful process of bringing the two sets of employees together, a continuous flow of negotiation is essential for keeping in touch with how people feel; communicating information clearly across both bidder and target. It is beginning the process of creating a new culture among the employees. The communication also help the graduating students integrated into the workplace more quickly.
Why it is useful
My research should illustrate the views that communication is so highly regarded and it becomes a fundamental requirement of all employers and university graduates. Therefore, this assignment should explore the communication’s effects to the students and employees which emphasizes the importance of communication. No one doubt that each research should have their piratical significance. Therefore, the material about the communication’s effects and importance to the employees and graduating students could provides the practical issues for my research to prove the view. It is also an significant aspect analyzing the importance