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Ceo Leadership

Autor:   •  October 24, 2018  •  1,678 Words (7 Pages)  •  554 Views

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The strategist competency model put forth by Cannon, Morrow-Fox and Metcalf (2015) from the book Leadership 2050, suggest the same type of elements as outlined above. But it is the basis of how I need to go about implementing the change I need. It speaks of seven (7) components of strategic leadership which are:

- Professionally humble- as an authentic leader, my staff would be able to follow my lead and understand that I am trying to implement something for the good of the company and my employees. By placing our principles ahead of personal gain, and caring about getting it right the first time.

- Unwavering commitment to action- the ability to stay the course when under pressure. We will have to come face to face with open criticism and negative feedback, but we need to stay the course if we are to make a positive change. My staff will have my full support when they need to make those tough decisions.

- A 360-degree thinker- being able to look at the situation from the ‘balcony’ as opposed to being on the ‘dance floor’. This will help the individual get another perspective of his/ her methods to facilitate the changes that need to be employed.

- Intellectually versatile- by increasing our scope of knowledge, we are provided with insight of how other companies have fared when it comes to making these changes. We are not the first to try and reduce nepotism in the workplace, therefore we can learn from others mistakes and adjust to suit. It all comes down to having knowledge and seeking an interest in international developments when it comes to dealing with nepotism.

- The ability to inspire followership- this will be something for me to work on. By implementing the strategies and characteristics above, I need to develop my authentic leadership skills and can convince people that we are doing the right thing.

- Innately collaborative- being a great leader is someone who seeks advice and questions his/ her colleagues. I must be able to ensure that an open-door policy is maintained always, so that my employees can bounce ideas off of me or make suggestions that will helps us attain our goal of a nepotism free organization. This too can now be used by other organizations or institutions to help them reach that future state we are aiming for.

Structured policies do not have the impact of reducing nepotism as one hopes it will, these policies are just in place so that they ‘powers’ that be, can argue the fact that if the policy was being enforced as it should nepotism would not be taking place. I have seen it first hand in organizations I have worked for in the past. Children of executive management are given ‘great’ positions even if only for the short term, and they are treated in a certain way as to not upset them. Because upsetting them would mean upsetting the director. This is the fear that we need to move away from, it should be known that if your offspring desires a summer job here then they should be able to handle all the stresses associated with it.

When it comes to reporting nepotism, one must rely on the negative ways it impacts on the organization and its employees, not on the emotions of the individual. This is where the element of emotional mastery comes into play.


Gardner, William L., and Bruce J. Avolio. Authentic leadership development: getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005. Print.

Sowcik, Matthew. Leadership 2050: critical challenges, key contexts, and emerging trends. United Kingdom: Emerald, 2015. Print.

Ferguson, Theodore U. The Philosophy of Leading from Above the Line: A Principle-grounded Approach to Personal Development, Organisational Transformation and Societal Development. N.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. Print.


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