Blue Bell Construction Sdn Bhd
Autor: goude2017 • March 1, 2018 • 2,077 Words (9 Pages) • 812 Views
- Have a meeting to discuss the future action that should be taken with the workers
As the workers believe that there is some ‘superpower’ living inside the tree, it is important to have a meeting to discuss the future action that should be taken with the workers in order to reach an agreement to complete the work on schedule. In the meeting, Mr Richard White can give suggestion to workers in order to overcome the problem they face. For example, Mr Richard White, as a Project Director, he could join the land clearing work together with the workers, so they can handle the ‘superpower’ and face the challenges together. Hence, the workers are more likely willing to continue doing the work instead of wasting time.
- Engage a ‘bomoh’ to send away the superpower from the tree
For this strategy, Mr. Richard should engage a ‘bomoh’ that suggested by Rosli to send away the superpower from the tree, the possible positive outcomes of this strategy are the workers will continue their job to do the land clearing work on schedule and the project will not be delayed and affected for being stopped for a long period of time.
However, the possible negative outcome of this strategy is it might need a long period of time to engage for the arrangement of bomoh to ask the superpower to give way for them to continue their job. Hence, the project cannot be completed on schedule due to the time consuming of the ‘bomoh’ engagement. As the project cannot be completed on schedule, the company could be sued and it will affect the reputation of the company in the future.
- Hire part time workers to do the land clearing work
For this strategy, Mr. Richard White should hire part time workers to replace the workers that believe in ‘superpower’ living inside the tree, the possible positive outcomes of this strategy are the project can be completed on schedule without any interruption and it can remain the better reputation of the company as the project can be completed on schedule.
However, the possible negative outcome of this strategy is hire part time workers can be costly because part time workers normally get the high wages because these workers will be given wages by using the rate of wages per hour. Thus, it will increase the expenses of the company. Secondly, the workers believe in superpower living inside the tree will not satisfy with this decision made by Mr Richard White as they think Mr Richard White is not fair and respect them and hence, they leave the company. As a result, the company will be lack of experienced employees to work for the projects in the future.
- Have a meeting to discuss the future action that should be taken with the workers
For the strategy of having meeting to discuss the future action that should be taken with the workers, the possible positive outcome is the construction activity of the steel mill project will not be delayed due to the postpone of land clearing work. Besides that, they can reach agreement as the workers are willing to continue doing the land clearing work and this can increase the work efficiently and effectively. Thus, land clearing work can be completed on schedule and it will provide a good image to outsiders as well as its business partner in the future.
However, the possible negative outcome of this strategy is it is time consuming for them to reach an agreement by having a meeting. Because of this, the land clearing work will be delayed and cannot be completed on schedule as well.
The best strategy for this case is Mr. Richard White should hire part time workers to do the land clearing work because it can ensure that the land clearing work will not be delayed and affected for a long time. Due to the workers dare not to proceed the work, so they are replaced by the part time workers. Richard White thinks of recruiting part time workers who do not believe in the superpower living inside the tree in order to complete the work on schedule. After the part time workers removed the tree, Rosli and the workers will not believe in there is some ‘superpower’ living inside the tree anymore. It is because they can see that it is nothing happen to the part time workers when they are removing the huge tree. Thus, they can continue doing the land clearing work by not wasting too much time on waiting.
For the short-term implementation, Mr. Richard White should hire part time workers to do the land clearing work. As the workers dare not do anything to the tree because they believe that there is some ‘superpower’ living inside the tree, the part time workers can carry the work and remove the tree. Consequently, this short-term implementation can solve the problem arise in the company which is complete the land clearing work on schedule since workers can continue their job when the tree are removed by the part time workers.
For the long-time implementation, Mr. Richard White, Rosli and the workers should improve culture awareness because they have different belief in culture and Richard may not have same belief as Malaysia people do. It is because different people have different belief in values, behaviors and attitudes. Hence, they should be consideration in cultural difference to avoid conflict happens in the future for the benefit of the company as well as themselves. In order to prevent the believe in ‘superpower’ living inside the tree case happen again in the future, it is very important for them to raise the awareness of culture. Besides that, different belief in culture causes different decision making and hinder a better communication among all the workers. A good communication among the workers is important as they can discuss and handle the challenges together. Mr. Richard White can conduct a meeting with their employees twice per week in order to know more about their employees’ idea and opinion. Thus, it can bring the benefits to the company in the future.