Title Vii of the 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act
Autor: Rachel • April 4, 2018 • 2,643 Words (11 Pages) • 788 Views
means that the criteria must measure a trait or skill that is job-related and consistent with business necessity. It is important because the criteria used in hiring, evaluating, promoting, and rewarding people must be tied directly to the jobs performed. It is important to mention that any employment decisions that are made must be based on the requirements of the position. CIT is an important technique to use because it is related to job performance. The manager is asking them to explain and describe different challenges that they face and how they overcame the situation or how they failed. This allows the employer to see if the applicant would be good at solving problems within the company. CIT is the type of the technique that can benefit the company in the long run because it allows the employer to see how if a problem were to arise how would the applicant be able to handle it without the manager there. It relates to the job description because it gives the applicant to really prove themselves and see if they have the skills, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics that are necessary to have for the job at hand. It could also help see if the applicant would be worth hiring for the position based on their experience. It is important to know their experience because it is hard to train an applicant for a specific task, but if they already have the task it makes it easier.
Reliability, Validity, Utility
Reliability is the consistency of measurement. High reliability is a necessary condition for high validity, but high reliability does not ensure validity. Reliability can be represented by a correlation coefficient, which ranges from 0-1.0. The goal for correlation coefficient is 0.8 or greater. Reliable methods usually tend to take more than one time. Validity is the extent to which the test was able to predict an important criterion such as performance. It is close to the legal concept of job relatedness. It is also represented by a correlation coefficient of -1- +1, which shows the direction/strength of relationship. The higher the r shows stronger validity and typically higher utility. Utility is economic gains derived from using a particular selection method. Utility can estimate increase in revenue as function of using a selection method after subtracting cost of method. A method that high validity and low cost usually have high utility. Organizations must be selective in this case. They can use the selection ratio, which is the number of positions divided by the number of applicants for those positions. A test with perfect validity will have no utility if the selection ratio is 1.0. Valid selection methods have great utility for an organization only when the organization can be selective based on the scores on that method.
Selection is the process of gathering and assessing information about job candidates to make personnel decisions. Selections include applications, reference checks, and interviews. Before I get into what selection process would be the best, I would like to explain the personnel selection steps. This is important to mention because in selecting any good employee, following the steps is very important. First, the HR manager has to perform a job analysis and plan. Second, they have developed a recruitment strategy and selection procedures. Next, they have determined validity of selection methods. The last step, they have to determine weighting system for data from selection methods. Using application blanks would be a good resource for human resource managers. As an HR manager, I would love to find the most effective and efficient way to hire capable employees. I would use the combination of the biographical information blanks and the accomplishment records. The biographical information would be good information to know because it will give the HR managers a more personal feeling by giving life experiences and personal background. This will give the HR manager a feel on what the person has been through and if his/her personality would fit well in the work force. The accomplishment record gives the applicant time to explain challenges that they faced and how they overcame the challenge. This allows the HR manager to see if the applicant would be a good fit in the work force depending on the challenges they have gone through. The last selection tool I would recommend is the interview. On paper, the applicant could be great and they have everything that the manager is looking for, but in person it could be a different story. An interview would be a great final test to see if the applicant would be a great fit for the position. The combination of the three test, I believe that the HR manager could find an applicant that would be perfect for the job.
A selection tool that I would not recommend is the reference and background check. This test verifies information provided by the applicant regarding previous employment and experience. It is a way for the manager to assess the potential success of the person for the new job. There’s a couple problems with this tool. One problem could be lawsuits from previous employment for defamation of character, fraud, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Another problem is that it could be extremely positive references because they are not going to be put people that would speak negatively. This could be a problem because it does not tell them any problems that the applicant might have had.
Behaviorally anchored rating scale vs. Graphic rating scales
Performance is a record of outcomes produced on a specific job functions during a specific time period. Job performance is equal to the sum of performance on the major job functions or activities. KSAOCs (knowledge, skills, ability, and other characteristics) usually define performance. There are many uses of performance data, such as performance improvement, compensation, staffing (promotion, retention, termination decisions), training needs assessment, and research and program evaluation. When designing an appraisal system, there are many points that should be considered like measurement content, measurement process, who should rate performance, level of performance to rate, and how to deliver feedback. There are six categories of measurement content; quality, quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision, interpersonal impact/contextual or citizenship performance. There are two examples of measurement process which are the graphic rating scales and the behaviorally anchored rating scales.
The graphic rating scales use adjectives or numbers, or both as anchors to rate someone on a specific competency. In this method, traits and behaviors are listed out and the person can take rate the performance based off the scale. It is the one of the widely used type of rating format. With