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Organisational Leadership

Autor:   •  April 16, 2018  •  873 Words (4 Pages)  •  652 Views

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Coming to the leadership of Sir Richard Branson, his style reverberates with three leadership theories namely:

1. Team Management from Managerial Grid by Blake & McCanse, 1991; Blake & Mounton, 1964, 1978, 1985)

2. Transformational Leadership

3. Adaptive Leadership

While doing the ground work and analysing Sir Richard Branson’s leadership style, I am inclined to quote that his style is distinguished and goes beyond theoretical frame work of leader and follower methodological relationship.

Having said that elaborated are theories and their comparison to the leadership style of Sir Richard Branson.

1. Managerial Grid defines five styles of leadership management forms which are namely -

- Impoverished Management

- Country – Club Management

- Task Management

- Team Management

- Middle- of- the- Road Management

Fig 1.1 - Features of Grid (Riley, 2015)

[pic 1]

The model proposes that when both people and concerns related to productivity are high, employee engagement and productivity increases accordingly which are rated on a scale of 1 to 10. This certainly is a ground work to start thinking analytically about performance levels and improving general leadership skills under different styles (Zeidan, 2009).

Sir Richard Branson rightfully fits into the “Team Management Theory” scoring (9,9) as he believes in teamwork, takes feedback from the team under him, exerts open mindedness, freedom of expression and his degree of participation is high. These factors contribute to high level of commitment from team members to meet organization’s objectives. He believes that “Listening is an important skill for any parent, teacher, leader or entrepreneur or well, just about anyone who has a pulse.” This very fact gives us an understanding that his employees are equally important as they are free to voice their concerns or share their feedback which they know would be heard (Branson, 2014). He also fairly believes that his gut feeling always tops the list where he feels that business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives or it’s simply not worth doing (Branson, 2008).

2. Transformational Leadership

“Transformational Leadership” as the name suggest is a process that changes and transforms people. It directs more emphasis on charismatic and visionary leadership. Moreover, this theory revolves around emotions, ethics, values, long term goals and standards (Northouse, 2015). It came into prominence due to the intrinsic motivation and follower development that suits the need to today’s work culture who believe and want to empower and achieve success in this uncertain times (Bass & Riggio, 2006). This kind of leadership also involves remarkable influence on followers who are willing to do an extra mile than what is usually expected


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