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Financial Planning

Autor:   •  December 3, 2017  •  1,345 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,043 Views

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11. Describe at least two non-discretionary expenses that you expect to have at some point in your life. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)

Paying the utility bills, for water electricity Gas etc.

12. Describe at least two discretionary expenses that you expect to have at some point in your life. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)

Entertainment purposes, gaming, movies, and other recreational time activities.

Vacationing going places for fun would mean paying for gas, hotels and such.

13. Imagine you have a budget of $1,000 per month. Make a list of at least three categories you would use that money toward, such as housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, savings, and so on. Then put a dollar amount next to each item to show how much money you would budget for this item each month. Make sure the total adds up to $1,000. (3.0 points) TIP: The cost of each item can be a rough estimate. You don’t need to research specific costs of each expense.

- Food: 200

- Clothing :200

- Entertainment : 50

- Savings 200

- Utilities: 250

- Transportation: 100

14. Describe an advertisement you've seen that uses a desire based marketing message. What desire does this ad appeal to? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) TIP: This can be any type of ad, such as a TV commercial, a radio ad, a magazine ad, a billboard, an Internet ad, or another type of ad.

An internet ad on youtube advertising alcohol, using, women, money, fame and fortune to convince viewers to buy their product.

15. Describe an advertisement you've seen that uses a fear based marketing message. What fear does this ad appeal to? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) TIP: This can be any type of ad, such as a TV commercial, a radio ad, a magazine ad, a billboard, an Internet ad, or another type of ad.

An advertisement on youtube that advertises against using tobacco or drugs in general, by portraying the pack of cigarettes to be some mutated spider that attacks people and ruins their lives, which in this case is true.


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