United Rentals Organization Change Essay
Autor: Jannisthomas • January 17, 2018 • 1,178 Words (5 Pages) • 569 Views
This interview was conducted after a few months when this change was first executed, and Randy believes this was a great transformation but it didn’t come without its challenges. One of those challenges was the “handling of various employee views, motivations, and productivity levels” (Schimmel). It was difficult to manage employees’ stances on this large-scale change since it was impossible to avoid and not all employees agreed with the change. This just comes to show that not all can handle change in the same way and some even believe change is an unnecessary part of life or work.
One thing he would have done differently to make the transition easier was to initially have deeper discussions on details of what restrictions might be on him to achieve them. This is important for upper management to take note on and outline goals in a clearer manner and ensure directors know what is to expected of them on their end of the workload. Randy believes this change will only bring the company more success and even though it has brought him more responsibilities he enjoys knowing he is making a difference in the company.
Based on this interview, it was interesting to hear that even a company on the Fortune 500 list faces big changes and sometimes even struggles with implement it. This is a good reminder that change is unavoidable and sometimes necessary to make improvements. One thing taken from this interview was one way upper management handles large-scale changes and what can be improved to help ease employees into new changes that may arise. It’s important to make aware what the changes specifically includes, who it will directly impact, and how it will impact them. Taking this and the new information learned from the interview, it’s reassuring to know that change can lead to bigger and better things in the future and it’s important to always keep moving forward even when failure is a possibility.
Our Company | United Rentals. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from https://www.unitedrentals.com/en/our-company/careers
Schimmel, Randy. (2016, November 16). Personal interview
United Rentals. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Rentals
Why Do Employees Resist Change? (2014) Retrieved November 20, 2016, from https://hbr.org/1996/05/why-do-employees-resist-change