Public Services
Autor: goude2017 • May 1, 2018 • 1,065 Words (5 Pages) • 769 Views
- Policy-driven
- Organization-driven
- Professional-driven
- Citizen/User-driven
With regards to policy driven factors, innovation can be used to enhance the reputation and image of both the local and national government. Public institutions, predominantly in the United Kingdom are often judged for their levels of efficiency and the quality of their services. As a result, comparison to the private sector companies working in related areas arises. Typically, governments are keen to attract private investment and improve international appeal through projecting a public image that would augment their appearance.
However, in the public sector there are significant barriers to entry that need to be overcome. Moreover, measuring innovation in the public sector is difficult. The impacts of successful innovations in the public sector tend not to be reflected in the immediate financial outputs. This, combined with the nature and diversity of public sector organizations and services, makes measuring these innovations extremely challenging. ( page 4)
The numerous public innovations, which have taken place over the last several years against all odds, serve to remind us that, despite the many barriers to public innovation, there also some important drivers of innovation in the public sector. ( page 2)
Public-sector innovation can reduce costs, raise productivity, and improve the public’s opinion of government. HOW?
-Due to the fact…[pic 1][pic 2]
-There is growing pressure between the rising demands and the expectations to the public sector and the limited public resources that are further diminished by the fiscal crisis. Citizens are demanding better and more individualized public solutions and services, but these demands cannot be met by spending more public money. Some demands will have to be curbed, while others must be met in new and creative ways that improves quality and provides customized solutions at the same or at less economical costs.
-There are a growing number ( page 3)
C O N C L U S I O N:?? [pic 3]
To some extent increasing demand for public innovation does not pose any serious challenge to the public sector. The public sector continues to constantly change and there are numerous small to large scale innovations present. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need to develop new strategic approaches to the innovation in the public sector. ( ues/intro_eva_sorensen_torfing_17v1i1.pdf page 3)