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Five Star Hotel Systems Corporation - Five Star Hotel Software

Autor:   •  April 5, 2018  •  916 Words (4 Pages)  •  824 Views

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adjustment to suit market conditions”

• “Built in easy to use report generators for market analysis on groups, travel agents, corporate, leisure, market segment, advertising effectiveness, and hundreds more reasons. Access to over 150 fields of guest information”

• “User defined letters and cards”

• “Store all reports including night audit electronically (saves paper, money, and printer hassles)”

• “Mail merge integration to Word and Word Perfect for super easy guest mail-outs”

• “Full group management module”

• “Travel agent commissions”

• “E-mail confirmations or any report”

• “Search on any field in the reservation and history file”

• “Detailed package plans, weekly or monthly rates, with automatic distribution for more accurate revenue reporting”

• “Unlimited room types, rate types, etc.” (Five Star Hotel Systems, n.d., Info section, para. 1).

A great variety of reports, such as End of Shift Report, House Status Report, Expected Arrivals and Departures, Guest Ledger and High Balance Report, Daily Revenue and Stats Report, Direct Bill (Accounts Receivable) Report, Housekeeping Reports, Maintenance Report, and so on, all can “be printed, instantly displayed, emailed, or sent to Lotus, Excel, ASCII, Word, and PDF” (Five Star Hotel Systems, n.d., Info section). Five Star also provides excellent customer support. Except for timely update and many enhancements, it offers some templates of Letters and Cards to hotels as well.

It is said on Five Star Hotel Systems website that Five Star Hotel Software has received over 94% complete satisfaction in surveys taken since 1997 (n.d., About Us section, para. 5). According to my personal experience by working at the Medicine Hat Lodge and using Five Star every shift, I believe it is an excellent software. It is comprehensive but it is very organized and user friendly; undoubtedly, the best aspect of Hotel ERP software is the “ease of setup and configuration” (Software Suggest, n.d., Hotel Management Software section, para. 8). Also, the full version of Five Star is really suitable for the operations of Medicine Hat Lodge, which plays an important role on the hotel’s success. With the increasingly fierce competition in Hospitality Industry, hoteliers need to incorporate a Hotel ERP software which suits their situation so that they could have a greater chance to survive and ensure their hotel operates smoothly.


Five Star Hotel Systems. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from!

Hotel Online News. (2013, May 10). InnLink CRS and Five Star Hotel Systems Partner to Offer Enhanced Two-Way Property Management Interface. Retrieved from

Medicine Hat Lodge. (n.d.). Homepage. Retrieved from

Software Suggest. (n.d.). Hotel Management Software. Retrieved from


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