Case Analysis Conman Systems
Autor: Devesh Kumar • July 24, 2019 • Case Study • 650 Words (3 Pages) • 1,721 Views
Conman Systems Pvt. Ltd
Problem Statement:
Conman systems predominantly manufacture and markets Personal computer and Laptops both for home users and business users. Alice George joined as the assistant vice president(marketing) 4 years back. She is diligent and untiring for her work which makes her stand out of the crowd. The Managing Director of the company planned to restructure the executive position of marketing domain. Alice was expecting to get promoted as the general manager (marketing), Instead she was proposed to a new post vice president (Public Relation) which does not befit her marketing skills.
Situation Analysis:
Alice started her career by opting a sales job in Orion Electronics. With her sheer hard work and diligence, she made a mark in the company. As the sales job was stereotypically not considered for women to excel into. It asks for traveling to the upcountry market and convincing potential customers. Under the guidance of her mentor and boss Mr. Vijay Sammadar she was doing good. The reason she left the company later was she felt claustrophobic. At times she used to feel that she is confined or bounded in this company and could not resist the benevolent and patronizing behaviour of her boss. So, she accepted the offer that she had of Conman Systems Pvt. Ltd and appointed as the assistant vice president (Marketing). During this time the prices of computer was crashing down due to the economic slowdown. Under this turbulent circumstance she was still able to perform exceptionally and the company’s turnover increased by two-and-a-half times with substantial growth in market share in both the products. She could build instant rapport with the customers Her colleagues liked her. She was often referred as “people’s person”.
The Managing Director Mr. Amitabh Sen planned restructuring of the executive committee. Alice was expecting to be promoted as the Vice president (Marketing), But Mr. Manohar Naik was recruited as the General Manager Marketing. She was crestfallen from this decision. She was told that company’s primary focus is to expand business computing market and Mr. Naik will help her in that. Naik was seconded to Alice. He used to report to Alice. Naik would often make comment on “How tough his clients are” and it is difficult to retain them. Once he said that some amount from sales commission should be given to decision makers in the client organization which she understood that Mr. Naik is proposing for bribe. She immediately opposed this method and narrated the incident to Amitabh. To her shock she was offered a new role i.e. the Vice President (Public Relation). But she refused to accept it as she never handled this kind of role. She further gave hint of leaving the job.
While she was working in Orion Electronics everything