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Methodology Paper

Autor:   •  May 6, 2018  •  1,589 Words (7 Pages)  •  686 Views

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The application of the methodology will take up to five weeks, during the first week the survey will be developed, and then the survey will be distributed among the employees in the multinational companies, the survey will be distributed physically be the researcher during the normal working days, this process will take up to two weeks, the final step will be analyzing the gathered data and providing conclusions and recommendations and this

will be performed during the last two weeks.


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Qasim,.S. , Cheema, F.A. , Syed,N.A. (2012), Exploring Factors Affecting Employees' Job Satisfaction at Work, Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 8(1), 31-39.

Shibru B., And Darshan,G.M.(2011) Effects of transformational leadership on subordinate job satisfaction in leather companies in Ethiopia. Leadership Quarterly, 2(5), 284-296.


General questions about job satisfaction:

- Do you believe that you’re paid fairly in comparison with the work you do.

- Yes

- No

- Do you believe that there are enough promotion chances in your job?

- Yes

- No

- Do you believe that the organization’s working environment is healthy?

- Yes

- No

- Do you think that your colleagues are friendly and helpful?

- Yes

- No

- On a scale from 1 (being the least likely) to 5 (being the most likely), Do you have any intentions of leaving the organization at the current time or later.

1 2 3 4 5

- Do you believe that you’re innovative?

- Yes

- No

- Are you able to motivate and challenge people?

- Yes

- No

Shibru and Darshan (2011: 285).

- Are you charismatic and have the ability to influence people?

- Yes

- No

(Bayram and Dinç 2015: 273)

- On a scale from 1 (Rarely) to 5 (Always), how often do you help your colleagues/followers with their self-development?

1 2 3 4 5

Shibru and Darshan (2011: 286)IC

Do you


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