Emotional Intelligence
Autor: Maryam • May 2, 2018 • 2,252 Words (10 Pages) • 805 Views
According to (Goleman, 1998b) a trait that distinguishes highly effective leaders is their high levels of emotional intelligence. This is consistent with the view by (Dulewicz, Young, & Dulewicz, 2005) that emotional intelligence competencies were better able to predict performance and leadership efficacy as depicted in figure 1 below. Though there is still relevance in IQ and technical skills, they are mainly just minimum requirements for entry into executive positions. Even though leaders are found at various levels in the organisation, an analysis by Goleman analysis indicated that EQ plays an important role at the most senior levels of the organisation, where technical skill difference was of immaterial importance. Individuals considered as star performers in higher ranks showed that their effectiveness was attributed to having more EQ competencies.
Figure 1 : Determinants of leadership
[pic 3]
Source: (Freedman, 2010)
When (Goleman, 1998b) did a comparison between star performers and average ones occupying senior leadership roles; EQ factors were attributed to approximately 90% of the difference in their profiles as opposed to cognitive abilities. This is due to that fact that creativity that drives innovation in individuals is developed by emotional intelligence, which in turn results in individual’s work performance improving (Ganji, 2011).
Studies that show the correlation between EQ and organisational performance have since been conducted to show the positive relationship. In a study conducted in the banking sector of Ghana, (Danquah, 2014) concluded that organisational performance is significantly predicted by emotional intelligence and likewise customer satisfaction, therefore recommending that there can be a consideration of intensifying skills investments for emotional intelligence in the banking sector of Ghana due to the results. This recommendation is corroborated by (Murray, Jordan, & Ashkanasy, 2006) who demonstrated that provision of EQ and interpersonal skills interventions can improve performance.
Freedman (2010) reviewed case studies from companies that have implemented EQ training and the results of the Sheraton Studio City hotel study have been summarised in figure 2 below
Figure 2: Improved results of the Sheraton
[pic 4][pic 5][pic 6][pic 7]
Source: (Freedman, 2010)
On reviewing the literature relating to emotional intelligence, the intervention implemented by the organisation will bring about the intended and desired results. With the Sheraton Studio City hotel having started with an under 24 hour emotional intelligence training session, the turnaround results prove that partnered with other developmental activities performance can be improved.
In evaluating the effectiveness and productivity of the emotional intelligence training that was implemented the following questions will be asked to ensure that the desired change occurs at different levels of the organisation
- Short-term individual level - What knowledge and skills did the participants learn from the EQ training programme?
- Intermediate individual level – After the training session what are the behavioural traits are being demonstrated by the participants and what changes have occurred due to the impact of EQ training?
- Organizational level – Are there any notable organisational change as a result of the training that was implemented?
- System level – In the period after training, were there revisions on policies and procedures as well as implementation of new processes that resulted from the management team attending the EQ training intervention?
In order to evaluate the programmes ability to achieve the desired outcomes that it was designed for, interventions will be implemented and evaluated for different levels.
- Short-term individual level - What knowledge and skills did the participants learn from the EQ training programme?
As the programme is a 2 day facilitated session coupled with mentoring and coaching on real workplace issues thus an action-learning programme. After the two day facilitation, the participants will go be assessed on the content of the programme followed by a programme evaluation, linked to the pre-assessment emotional intelligence profile results. The participants will draw action plans for themselves on how they will develop the skills that they have learnt. These plans will be evaluated by the coaches and mentors thus identifying the extent to which the learning has been transferred and the understanding of how it can be implemented in the workplace. Should there be gaps either on the summative assessment or action plan and ability for learning to be transferred in the workplace – the design of the programme will be revisited to improve the content.
- Intermediate individual level – After the training session what are the behavioural traits are being demonstrated by the participants and what changes have occurred due to the impact of EQ training?
When the participants have returned to the workplace monthly scheduled formal sessions which will be recorded will be held with the mentors to reflect on the months’ proceedings. In these meetings, the mentors will evaluate how the participants reacted to situations and handled themselves with regards to the different competencies of leadership linked to emotional intelligence. The coaches will also be able to report back on the incidences where the participants were guided to provide data on level of willingness to implement the learning.
- Organizational level – Are there any notable organisational change as a result of the training that was implemented?
On a monthly basis the people and production indicators that have been identified as conditions that have signalled for the development of the training programme will be monitored to determine the change in direction of the trends. The trends will highlight is the effectiveness of the programme on the performance of the organisation.
After six months, with all processes functioning effectively, with changes having been implemented if required a follow-up climate survey will be implemented in order to verify the success of the implemented programme and identify gaps, through the results and