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Bus 100 021 - Learning Styles: Discovering How You Learn

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These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is to follow the 5 steps of ABC to-do list. By following the 5 steps of ABC to-do list I can use my to-do list effectively and efficiently. I will be able to complete all my tasks on time and figure out which task is A priority, B priority, and C priority. My second goal that I intend to accomplish is creating good habits from the to-do list. I want to be able to use to-do lists for school, work, and everyday life. I want this habit to become second nature, thus I will always stay on top of my tasks.

Name: Peter Xie Feng

Course: BUS 100 021

Student Number: 500709439

Date: September 29th, 2015

Chapter 2 - 16 ways to get the most out of now (pp.86-89)

This article lists study suggestions and techniques that I could use to study and stay focused. One specific technique that struck out to me was, “Be aware of your best time of day”. As someone that tried studying for the entire day, I realized my best work is done before the evening. My body automatically shuts down into lazy mode after the evening. I find that this technique is truly useful because I get the most in my head during the day (which is a time that works for me, but maybe not for other students), thus I highly recommend other students to find the best time of day for them. Another technique that resonated with me is asking myself, “How did I just waste time?”. When I don’t plan my day carefully, I tend to just spend my day doing all sorts of things, thinking that I still have a lot of time left. I’ll go on my social media accounts, message my friends, and etc. I didn’t realize that if I just note how I’m spending my time throughout the day, I could end up saving a lot of time and being more productive.

These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is to note how I spend my day by writing each thing down, thus I’ll have a better idea of the activities that are steering my attention elsewhere. This leads to my second goal that I intend to accomplish, which is to “Turn off all devices and stop checking your messages”. I know that social media and my phone are the things that are most distracting to me, thus from now on I’ll turn off and log out of everything that distracts me.

Name: Peter Xie Feng

Course: BUS 100 021

Student Number: 500709439

Date: September 29th, 2015

Chapter 2 - Planning for success: What students with learning disabilities need to know (pp.90)

This article talks about how more and more students with disabilities are attending post-secondary education and disabilities can actually impact your post-secondary success. What resonated to me most is that students with learning disabilities can get accommodations for tests, exams, and assignments. Such accommodations exist since these students have a harder time processing and understanding certain things.

These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is get connected with the school’s learning services because I have ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder). I have a hard time focusing in classes and I always feel the urge to fidget with something. I will contact the services provided at school and get the necessary accommodations that I need. I hope the learning service can help me be more productive in school and find new ways to adjust to Ryerson. The second goal that I intend to accomplish is to join the learning service workshops for time management and stress management. These workshops can help me get a better understanding on managing my time and stress, therefore, I won’t be stressed out once exam season comes.

Name: Peter Xie Feng

Course: BUS 100 021

Student Number: 500709439

Date: October 6th, 2015

Chapter 4 - How Muscle Reading Works (pp. 136-141)

This article talks about the importance of previewing my assignment and to create an outline before I start reading. I didn’t know that by doing some simple things before I start on an assignment, I’ll be able to better extract ideas and information. Normally, I would jump right into an assignment because I don’t want to waste time, but often times, I would end up re-reading something several rounds because I didn’t get the idea that the author was trying to convey, but if I had read all the summary statements, headings, and subheadings, then I’d have a clearer understanding of the reading. As well, by creating an outline, it would help me collect my thoughts and to break down the main points.

These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is use “Phase One” before I start reading. I’ll preview by looking at the table of contents, skimming through the pages, looking at summary statements, and reading headings and subheadings. I’ll also create a simple outline by categorizing and organizing what I’ve previewed. Lastly, I’ll question the content that I’ve previewed and if there are any words or ideas that I don’t understand, I could research a little on it so that I can get a head start. My second goal is to review everything that I’ve read over and over again. Instead of just reading something and forgetting it, then relearning it again before an exam, I’ll keep reviewing the main ideas and concepts that I’ve learned so that it’ll be engraved into my brain.

Name: Peter Xie Feng

Course: BUS 100 021

Student Number: 500709439

Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Chapter 4- When reading is tough (pp. 144-145)

This article talks about how regular reading method is not enough for students to fully understand the information. As a result, there are different techniques that students can use to fully understand the information. The first technique I learned is to use another text; using another text helps me find similar and relatable information, which makes the original text


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