The Effect of Inventory Management on the Firm Performance: A Case of Chubby Chicken & H.I.D. Burger
Autor: Sara17 • September 14, 2018 • 3,364 Words (14 Pages) • 881 Views
The second branch was built at Fairview Dahlia near FEU NRMF, NCBA and other schools. It has the same menu and price as the first branch and was successful the first year but it started declining after. As of now, this branch is scheduled to close down sometime in 2017. The researchers want to investigate the obstacles that the branch faced and if the supply cannot suffice the demands of the customers. They have interviewed a restaurant similar to Chubby Chicken to compare and identify the challenges that they encountered and came up with solutions for it.
The purpose of this chapter is to present the theoretical framework and conceptual framework of this study. This covers the conceptual, theoretical frameworks and theories which helps and guides the understanding of the research. [pic 2]
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Theoretical Framework
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework
According to Chron, The Levelized Production Theory is defined by which expects to help limit work costs by making stock at a relentless rate to keep away from crests and valleys. In the event that the stock supervisor holds up until there are requests to get supplies, the work expenses may be excessively costly in light of the surge orders and amid sit out of gear hours, you may need to pay your representatives who are not notwithstanding doing work. On the off chance that you can figure when you have to procure workers and the amount, you will spare more benefit.
Concpetual Framework
[pic 4]
Figure 2. Conceptual Framework
Research Paradigm
Chubby Chicken met the solution by studying when to order new supplies and how to manage it.. By meeting the solution of Chubby Chicken's problem, they would be able to prevent it if they plan to expand again next year. By interviewing the owners and managers the researchers gained information about how they manage their inventory supply and the complications that caused the decline of the business. Using this information the researchers studied and deliberated different theories on how the situations must be handled. After careful consideration of all the ideas, they fwere able to provide a better method of managing sales inventory supply.
The Research Problem
This study contains the research questions figured by the scientists to be replied before the finish of the investigation. This part likewise contains the methodicalness of the investigation or the general population who might profit by this exploration, and degree and constraints of the examination.
Statement of the Problem
- How is the current operational procedure of the inventory management system of Chubby Chicken?
- What other factors contributed into the branch having problems with their supply chain inventory?
- Location,
- Schedule,
- Customers,
- Supply
- What were the problems Chubby Chicken faced with the current system of the inventory management?
Purpose or objectives of the study
The following are the specific objectives of the study:
- To know the current operational procedure of the inventory management system of the organization.
- To identify the problems faced with the current system of the inventory management system.
- To identify the factors affecting the inventory management system of the organization
- To make some recommendations on the problem face by the organization concerning inventory management system.
The researchers are focusing on these questions because it focuses on the problems of Chubby Chicken Fairview that they want to solve by comparing the data acquired from Chubby Chicken and H.I.D. Burger so that they can help the business and future businesses know the proper precautions should they be faced with the problem again
Scope and Limitations
This study is focused on the Sales Inventory Supply Chain Management of Chubby Chicken and how to improve it. They are going to look in to the location, production decisions, inventory control and distribution strategies to identify the mistakes they’re having. The researchers scheduled an interview with the owner and the branch manager to ask questions about the said topic and their sales as well. The general purpose of this study knows the problem of the demand & supply of Chubby Chicken and how to bring solutions for it. This research is limited to Chubby Chicken only and the other restaurant they compared it to. The period of the study was conducted on the first semester of the school year 2017-2018.
Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that the findings of this study will help the following:
For the Branch Manager. This research is important to them because they will be able to improve their inventory management, and to provide the customer's needs and wants without delay. If they do this, their loyal customers will come back and their business will continue to be successful.
For the Owner. This study will be useful for the owner because he will be able to know what to look for when he plans to expand his product and he will have knowledge on how to choose its managers and how to train them. From knowing to the effect of the inventory supply chain delay, they will be able to improve their restaurants. It will help them in making decisions good for their business in the future.
For the Future Businessmen/Researchers. This will be important for them because they will be able to have an advantage when thinking of starting their own business and its real-time problems. Also, it will help the future researchers have an insight in inventory control and might help them grow further as business students.
Definition of Terms
Branch Manager- An executive who oversees a division or office