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Effective Power Management in Organization

Autor:   •  January 7, 2019  •  6,210 Words (25 Pages)  •  828 Views

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The power of reward is seen as a power based on the ability of the leader to reward or reinforce a positive employee because it fulfills the expectations or directives that bring either to the organization or to the leader itself. This power strength increases when the value of the reward expected by B to K is high. It also when B assume that K is capable of rewarding it. B believes K can affect his salary or can provide special assistance and convenience when B cooperates with K (French and Raven, 1959). The power of reward is the common power used when making an agreement implicit or explicit to be given to an individual under the leader who making a request. The rewards power can be regarded as a leadership that can provide comfort to employees whether in the form of financial and non-financial rewards such as pay rise, promotion, praise, better work environment, privilege, extra rest day and important organization this way, employees will be feeling appreciated.

Example 2: Raja Azizul, as principle of SRIP has satisfied with work achievement that has been showed by Norazizan, his subordinates. Because of that, he has suggested to the board of SRIP to consider give promotion to Norazizan from normal teacher to become deputy principal. By doing this, Raja Azizul has used his rewarding power in his leadership.

B's compliance with K may occur when the target feels the promised reward is worthy of him or her and his or her leader is considered to be the reliable source of the reward. Therefore, a leader should try to see the reward to the target he wants to influence so his or her credibility will not be sued due to failure to meet or deliver the promised reward (Yukl, 1989).

In appropriate circumstances promising rewards, what happens compliance of commitment. The promised reward is unlikely to motivate the individual to do the task with more than just a deed. An organizational leader should keep in mind that the rewards given will only be considered meaningful if the rewards are worthy, in proportion to the contribution they have earned and the rewards earned are able to distinguish those who perform well with those who are performing poorly.

Rewards may result in objection than compliance when it is used in manipulative ways. The power of the leader who is able to give and suspend the rewards given will create a sense of anger among subordinates. Furthermore, there are workers who do not like to rely on the wretched authority or they believe their leader manipulates them for the sake of his or her self.

Objection may also occur when the individual is required to perform an ethical obligation assignment even though the reward is attractive. Many who do not like to be manipulated, such as doing things that are unethical and immoral (Yukl, 1989). The use of rewards to change the system within the power limit is likely to increase the power of rewards by incorporating future promises.

Unsuccessful attempts to demonstrate the power of rewards beyond the power limit, resulting in reduced power (French and Raven, 1959). When a leader relies frequently on incentives as a source for the purpose of to gain influence, certain parties may consider their relationship as an economic source. The reward is expected when the leader give a new or extraordinary job. Is more satisfying both parties when they see their relationship in the form of mutual loyalty or friendship.


Coercive power also involves manipulation of K in order to fulfill his or her interest and need when K punishes B when B failed to follow K needs and want. The coercive may involve out of job scope, job that need high observation, implementation very strict organization rules and regulation, job suspension without salary, or lead to termination of services (French and Raven, 1959). This power is based on fear when they employees will follow the order because of afraid to their leader will blocking their promotion or the possibility they will be kick off from the organization.

For the better sake, this power should not be implement unless whenever needed. This power is a negative power that has by the leader. This kind of leader will limit the freedom of the employees, causing a pain to employees, punishment, and block privileges of employees. This power is hard to practice and will lead to unwanted result. If this power not be control, it will cause of confrontation, sabotage, fake action, irresponsibility, willingness to respond, anxiety, worried, angry, and have to accept to leader decision.

Example 3: In my working experience, I begin my career as junior executive in Bistari Young Entrepreneur Sdn Bhd. In this company have one senior executive that unpopular in our office because of her bossy attitude. So many my former office mate will reluctant if have job assignment with her. I think she also knowledge that we always trying to avoid to work with her. But as senior executive, we have to submit our claim to her before she passes to the boss. She always deduct our claim in reason we over claim. We as junior executive just accept the reason to avoid further argument.

In organization, sometimes coercive power is needed in order to avoid or stop employees behavior that clear can ruin the smoothness of organization operation, like unlawful activity, stealing, brake safety rules, behavior that ignore subordinate, and rejection of legitimate order. By issuing warning letter or reminder to the problematic employees, hopefully it will lead to positive change of the employees.

Coercive power may not produce commitment but when the power use in a proper way, there is a hope it will produce obedience and not objection. The use of punishment power usually involved discussion that related in order to improve discipline (Yukl, 1989).


Referent power is power based on B to K. This identification related with the feeling personal of acceptance and consent. When K is an individual that attract B attention, B have desire to be closer with the K. B will follow or maintain what has done by K. This include behavior, attitude, and believe even though B not realize about referent power. This means that, the stronger B admire K, then greater referent power K over B (French and Raven, 1959).

Normal way that has been used for practice referent power is by asking to the target their role model. Sometimes have to apply from relation with personal appeal by hanging the support from the individual. Personal appeal is useful by showing the request is important because important request to the leader to get commitment


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