Leverage Effect of Supplier Management on Sustainable Procurement in Emerging Markets
Autor: Rachel • October 3, 2018 • 3,683 Words (15 Pages) • 842 Views
social aspects is increasing in importance due to its impact on successful emerging
markets sourcing. Procurement managers are developing sustainability in their
procurement processes because of the growing importance of climate change and limited
resources as well as the potential of cost advantages. Procurement companies as well
take bidirectional positive effect of sustainable procurement and supplier management.
2. Literature review
International procurement has been studied extensively in literature by researchers (such
as Spekman et al., 1991; Birou and Fawcett, 1993; Herbig and O’Hara, 1996; Nellore et
al., 2001; Nassimbeni and Sartor, 2007, Javalgi et al. 2009, Maltz et al. 2011) to
determine the main motives and challenges regarding developing a procurement and
sourcing base in international environments and emerging markets.
Logistics and the supply chain management (SCM) are emerging as the critical success
factors for companies operating in the international arena, as increasing complexity
arises from a wider range of products, technological development, market growth and
the number of supply chain actors (Braithwaite and Christopher, 1991). At this point
performance evaluation of suppliers in selection and development phase will help
procurement companies to adjust objectives and success factors of the company with
suppliers (Chang, 2005). Krause and Ellram (1997) state that trust and reliance of
procurement companies on their suppliers to deliver technologically advanced, defect-
free products, in a timely, cost-effective manner necessitates supplier development
activities which is defined as; any effort of a buying firm with its supplier(s) to increase
the performance and/or capabilities of the supplier and meet the buying firm’s short-
and/or long-term supply needs.
Sustainable development is mentioned in the Brundtland Report as: ‘‘Development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs’’ (WCDE, 1987). A study conducted by Harwood and Humby
(2008), presents that 20% of the firms viewed sustainability issues as their largest
supply chain risk and 25% of the firms required suppliers to adhere to social and
ecological standards in order to mitigate supply chain risks (Foerstl et al. 2010). This risk
mainly could be explained by procurement companies’ public reputation and its market
share by taking the responsibility of their suppliers in front of the public opinion.
Therefore integrating sustainability aspects (e.g. environmental and social aspects) in
supply process will help in determining new supplier selection and evaluation criteria
(Koplin et al. 2007). Koplin et al. explained the main trends affecting the relationship
between sustainability and supply management as the increasing strategic importance of
supply management and the awareness of the connection between supply decisions and
a firm’s environmental and social or sustainable performance. As a result, including
sustainability in procurement and supply management processes of the international
procurement company will help to reduce the environmental harms and social problems
which as well leverage the economic aspects of the company along the entire supply
3. Methodology
This survey has been conducted based on a questionnaire in three different languages:
English, Chinese and Turkish. This flexibility facilitated the companies’ participation and
enabled the project team to achieve a high response rate of 332 participants. Participants
of the survey consist of multinational companies from small and medium-sized
enterprises to global players. Buying companies are located in Germany, the USA, Brazil,
Turkey, Russia and China. German companies’ procurement headquarters have been
reached through the databases of the BVL and the TU Berlin. Non-European companies’
procurement headquarters and local procurement offices were reached via cooperating
partners’ contacts.
This study has different areas of key findings: The evaluation is carried out for three
main topics: trends and strategies in emerging markets, supplier management and
sustainable procurement. Results about successful concepts and strategies have been
classified into two different groups of respondents: overall companies which represent
total responses and Top Performer companies. The evaluation method is based on three