Autor: Joshua • March 21, 2018 • 3,858 Words (16 Pages) • 587 Views
One of the things Jobs changed once returning to Apple was that he changed the way he had meetings conducted, he was against PowerPoint presentations as he thought that the presenter is hiding behind a bunch of slide addressing the problem passively while he differed in the sense that the meetings should not be boring active meetings so to speak and to do that he removed the concept of using presentations and stated that if someone can issue a problem a presentation is not required. One other thing that he really liked was walking and all of his negotiations and to some extent hiring and firing were done by walking, he used to take his negotiators for a walk and the walk used to create a bond between them and relax the atmosphere a bit and then being a smart person he used to use the climax point to his advantage and turn the tables for his advantage. Jobs once took one of his board of director on a walk and at the climax told him that the board is being changed and he will have to let go, the response instead of being a strict, awkward or an angry response was actually a calm and simple response accepting the fact that he is being let off and he should accept it all because of the walk that Steve Jobs took him to. (Source # 3)
Thus we can see that there a few types of leaders and not necessarily a person should have only one quality but can have a few qualities together, the main point is that what we make of it and how we build our trust. Steve Jobs set an example for us and we can use it or make up our own strategy but the fact remains, we have to gain trust and find the talent out in the market collect it and polish it. This is the goal of the leaders to flourish with honest, trustworthy, hardworking and loyal followers who feel the same about you.
• What type of leadership do you carry out in your organization?
• How effective is the strategy?
• What factors do you take into consideration when making a decision regarding your employees (followers)?
• In case of any issues regarding employees good or bad how do you set to solving it?
• If any employee (follower) is facing issues which are internally or externally caused how do you set to solving them?
• If an employee comes with a suggestion how do you assess it and how much importance is given to the employee and his suggestion?
Motivation: Motivation is one of the main factors of the company’s success. Motivating people is one of the biggest challenges leaders face because people have different personalities, background, needs, goals and life pressure. Every leader has to realize that people do not get motivated in the same way he or she does, people act and react differently than him and they won’t do things in the same way you do. Just because you pay employees good wages doesn’t mean that they are going to do their best for you especially younger workers because they like continues learning and personal growth they are achievers they don’t want to be limited. They want continues advancement and they think they can do any task better than anyone else. Workers nowadays have no loyalty to their institutions, which makes it even harder to motivate them. In order to motivate work force you have to give them a reason to be motivated. Every leader has to keep in mind that it is not the employees’ responsibility to motivate themselves. Most of leaders think that motivation is by giving your employees cash incentives. However in most cases cash incentive doesn’t work, whereas other motivational techniques have proven their ability in motivating nowadays work force. The following methods are some of the most effective motivational techniques that have proven their efficiency in different workplaces.
First of all, providing clear expectations are very important because people need to know what do you exactly want them to do and what results are you expecting them to have. Weak managers think that their employees already know what they have to do without bothering themselves to explain to them what they have to do. However, the normal situation is to tell your employees exactly what they have to do and want you want and the specific end result you are expecting to have. For example, managers should say by the 30th of the month I expect you to have this thing done. in other words, leaders should have specific with a clear target and defined the exact result they want and they should know in advance what are the consequences if they did to match the leader’s expectations or not and what are the rewards if they did so and what are the penalties if they don’t.
Second, leader must provide a caring company attitude. Leader must ask his or her employees what they want from work and what they are expecting and weather they are getting it or not. In order to let them get the feeling that the company cares about them because if they get this feeling it will reflect on their performance. Another thing to do is to keep a dairy of your employees’ personal event such as birthdays, wedding, and anniversaries and when did they start working in the company, in order to celebrate one of their events every now and then to let them know that the company cares about them.
Next, leaders must let their employees get the feeling that they are responsible and accountable for their tasks. This feeling will generate the sense that the company belongs to them and they will start working like if they were generating money for themselves not for the company. When giving employees this feeling you will show them that you have faith on them and you trust them to come up with the best solutions if they face any problem. Each manager should let every employee contributed in decision making.
The forth method of motivating your employees is to apply a strong work ethic and to assign a qualified manager to be a role model because if you do anything to motivate your work force while they have irresponsible manager who comes late and leave early and post pone his own work sooner or later the employees will be influenced in a way or another by their manager
The next method is to develop your employees in different fields such as developing their knowledge and skills. By giving them different skills developing courses, which will show them your long-term interest in them. As a result of your interest in their long -term goals your employees might stay longer than they planned to do and for guaranteed it will positively affect their performance. Another benefit of developing