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Consumer Behaviour

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Next, in the journal of Michele, T, et al., (2003) which the journal’s main focus is to investigate the determinants of recycling behaviour. They used TPB in understanding the behaviour of recycling. Pro-recycling attitude is important in promoting act of recycling and this is similar to “attitude” in TPB. They have also found that factors such as “having the appropriate opportunities, facilities and knowledge to recycle” and “by not being deterred by the issues of physically recycling” can influence act of recycling. And Previous recycling experience can predict current recycling behaviour and this is similar to Perceived Control in TPB, as they have knowledge, time and recycling experience will ensure themselves that they have the ability to recycle.

Lastly, according to Diagram 1, shows that the Theory of Planned Behaviour can be apply to recycling.

2.2 Strengths of Theory of Planned Behaviour

TPB has some advantages. The first advantage is that, when using the TPB it could cover and explain the behavior that a person could want, who was previously the identification cannot be known and covered (appendix 2) by Theory of Reason Action. Which means that, in 1985 until now TPB has improved in terms of the previous theory. By deciphering the behavior of the people want, is actually a theory capable of explaining the behavior and attitude of people when they want to pursue in order to achieve the desired behavior. The new components that were added by the TPB on previous theory is that Perceived Behavioural Control. Components that are new to this theory, it is possible to explain the behaviour and intentions that are desired by the actual perpetrator. Can be able to understand the relationship between behavior and intentions of the actual behavior makes prediction results are much better and more accurate approach, is more likely than the Theory of Reason Action (Pratkanis, Breckler & Greenwald 1989).

Another strength is owned TPB is widely applicable to a variety of behaviors in different contexts, there was so in areas such as environmental issues, risk communication, health communication, the use of mass transit and more recently there is also technology adoption. This theory is successfully used in various studies in the past two decades (Ajzen, 2011), this study also offers adoption scholarly advances understanding of the adoption of online teaching and online teaching while testing the theoretical sufficiency of the Theory of Planned Behavior.

2.3 Weaknesses of Theory of Planned Behaviour

Do not always look up, look down so that you do not stumble over the stones. That's a saying we often hear about. Same with the theory, there are strengths and also weaknesses. The first weakness contained in this theory is the theory has an opinion that the individual has been able to develop a resource that does not depend on the intentions and have the opportunity to make a behaviour successfully. Which means the intention of factors that are in theory has no strong relationship with the intention of doing something to be achieved and the desired behavior (Miezienė, Šinkariova, & Jankauskienė 2014).

The second weakness is that the time frame when the aim and behavioral activity experience has not been recognized by the TPB. The lack of recognition of the time frame which leads to less clear is also less accuracy. The evidence or finding of the use of the TPB won't not be exact in light of the fact that absence of the requirement of the time period of the experience timing amongst intention and behavioral activity (Montanaro & Bryan 2014).

The third weakness is that TPB has ignored the existence of factors that can affect the motivation and behavioral intentions as a threat, from the experience of the past and the mood of an individual. This means, that the theory should be applied towards justice is not completely accurate, the resulting impact for researchers to apply other theories. Overall the researchers of this theory has not been able to depend on this theory alone (Boston University School of Public Health 2013).

The fourth weakness is that TPB is basically concentrated on regularizing effect as opposed to financial factor that could really take part in influencing the individual’s intention to carry out a particular behavior. This shows that the theory of planned ignores alternative components that really can affect the behavior to be performed by individuals, which can make a study of the use of the theory is not so too includes all the factors that can really change the behavior of a particular moment in the process (Boston University School of Public Health, 2013).


3.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, Theory of Planned Behaviour provide good theoretical framework in comprehending fundamental reasons of human behaviour be it in health setting or business setting. As the three global variables of Theory of Planned Behaviour have different degree of influence towards different behaviour, this theory should be carefully used and other factors such as age group, cultural differences and gender should be considered as well. With sufficient understanding in underlying reasons of certain behaviour, intervention strategies can be better constructed to achieve desired behaviour in customers, such as providing information, making purchase and applying membership.


4.0 List of References

Ajzen, I 2011, 'The theory of planned behaviour: Reactions and reflections', Psychology & Health, 26, 9, pp. 1113-1127.

Consumer Health Informatics Research Resource - Subjective Norm. 2016. Consumer Health Informatics Research Resource - Subjective Norm. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 September 2016].

Michele Tonglet, Paul S. Philips, Adam D. Read. 2003. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to investigate the determinants of recycling behaviour: a case study from Broxworth, UK. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 September 2016].

Miezienė, B, Šinkariova, L, & Jankauskienė, R 2014, 'Intention of Patients with Diabetes to Participate in Regular Physical Activity: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour', Education. Physical Training.


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