The Evaluation of Consumer Behaviour Theories Adapted by Polo Ralph Lauren
Autor: Joshua • November 27, 2017 • 1,599 Words (7 Pages) • 919 Views
message has three basic components: the object, which is the product that is the focus of the message, the sign, which is the sensory imagery that represents the intended meanings of the object, and the interpretant, which is the meaning derived (Solomon, Bamossy and Askegaard 2002). According to Charles Sanders Peirce, signs are related to objects in one of three ways: they can resemble the objects, be connected to them, or be conventionally tied to them. From the selected advert (shown in appendix I) Polo Black itself is the main focus of the message, the model stands for the sign and the interpretant would be this product helps one to be more attractive. The Ralph Lauren logo can be seen as an Icon as it associates with the brand, stating that it is a timeless brand.
2:2. Attitude Theory
As consumers, each of us has a vast number of attitudes toward products, services, advertisements, and retail stores. For the sake of this report, attitude is seen as a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues (Solomon and Rabolt, 2004). Anything toward which one has an attitude is called an attitude object. From the advert, the attitude object is the Polo Black fragrance. A consumer’s attitude formed towards the Polo Black fragrance can be linked to the experimental hierarchy. The experimental hierarchy highlights the idea that attitudes can be strongly influenced by intangible product attributes, such as package design and by consumers’ reactions towards accompanying stimuli, such as advertisement and brand name. A consumer’s feeling about Ralph Lauren as a valuable brand will indulge him in making a purchase of the brand before regarding relevant attributes to the brand. Also, the name recognition of the brand – Ralph Lauren makes the Polo Black fragrance stand out and inspires loyalty from its consumers.
According to Katz (1960), Attitudes serve four important functions for individuals and these are: the adjustment function, ego-defensive function, value expressive function and knowledge function. From the chosen advert, the ego defensive function and the value expressive function of attitude have been identified.
(a)The Ego-defensive Function
The ego defensive function explains people’s desire to protect their self image and build up their inner sense of self security and confidence. From the advert, Polo Black fragrance promises to give the user some level of confidence. The consumers who use the Polo Black fragrance would develop a feeling of attractiveness and if around other guys they become competitive.
(b)The Value Expressive Function
Attitudes provide the basis for people to express their values. This function is about expressing one’s lifestyle and belief through the use of certain products. Consumers who use the brand are likely to get the feeling that the brand reflects and express their social identity. The model used in the advert is consistent with a lifestyle that includes fashionable, wealthy and confident.
The culture of a brand also aids in associating one’s self with a brand. A brand’s culture is a means of communication and a set of values feeding the brand’s inspiration. The culture of Polo Black is proudly represented as American luxury for the urban living. Polo Black communicates that exclusive users of the brand are ‘the elite’. It also makes the target consumer feel sexy, confident and sophisticated.
2:3 Brand personality
Consumers have a variety of enduring images of themselves. These self-images are very closely associated with personality in that individuals tend to buy products and patronise retailers whose images and personalities relate in some meaningful way to their own self image. The ‘personality’ dimension describes what characteristics the product would have if it was a real person and the human personality describes traits it would inherit. With this in mind, a brand’s personality is duly projected through its advert. As a human, Polo Black’s personality traits can be described as confident and successful. The personal characteristics of Polo Black would also incorporate its consumer as a man who is daring, mysterious, and seductive.
Consumers also tend to associate personality factors with specific colours. The black packaging of the Polo Black fragrance creates a sophisticated personality. Consumers who would use the Polo Black fragrance see this as an opportunity to express themselves.
3. Conclusion
It is fair to say that the consumer behaviour theories adapted in the chosen advert did a good job in promoting an effective message across to its consumers. However, the model used in the advert does not project the personality of the brand maximally, as he is seen with a gloomy face and does not really reflect the charisma that should accompany the brand.
This prompted the change of the model in the presentation (part 2).
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