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A Study on Factors Influencing Consumers’ Behaviours on Purchasing Clothes online

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TAM has had a lot of empirical growths via applications, reproductions and authentications. As such, (Davis, 1993) continued developing TAM by testing the system design features as an external factors to stimulate and barrier for behavioural intention to use. He found that choices of design give an impact to perceived ease of use. From this point, it also may influence the user acceptance. An empirical test the revised TAM was conducted by (B, 1994) (Szajna, 1996) and identified that self-reported usage appears to be not so proper surrogate measure for the actual usage. (Davis, 1996) did not include the attitude construct due to attitude toward using did not complete facilitate the perception usefulness’s effect on the intention which refers to the empirical evidence of (Davis, 1989). (Gefen, 1997) have placed wealth of information and social presence as external variables. Gender was added as well because of the cultural and gender belief’s effects and factors on the information technology diffusion model. TAM was applied to explain the decision of physician to consent telemedicine technology in the health care framework (Hum P.J.H., 1999). A revised TAM was applied as well to make a comparison between a traditional training method and a training using an intrinsic stimulus (Venkatesh, 1999).

After consideration of the whole TAM development, the model was extended by (Venkatesh, 2000) and (Venkatesh, 2000) is currently known as TAM2. Its purpose is to provide better understanding of the perceived usefulness’s factors and the use of its intention. Factors of perceived usefulness such as image, output quality, job relevance, subjective norm and result demonstrability are placed in TAM2. Not only that, subjective norm also influence on the use of intention and the image as well. Furthermore, the voluntariness and experience also alter the factors’ effects.

TAM foretelling’s strength makes it appropriate to be used in many context. Therefore, it is has been positively implemented and use to study the behaviour of online shopping. TAM has its own strength and limitations. Although TAM has the ability to foretell but it does not provide any needed information for the system designers to create user acceptance for new systems (Mathieson, 1991).

2.11 Perceived ease of use

The perceived ease of use happens when consumers believe that online shopping will require lesser effort such as just clicking on the website rather than travelling to the retail store (Davis, 1989) (Chiu, 2009).

Based on TAM, when there are things being equivalent, ease of use improvements will brings to the performance improvement. Then, there will be an immediate effect on perceived usefulness (Venkatesh, 2000) (Davis, 1989). Application of it has been done in a big range of information technology and in e-commerce as well. (Gefen, 2000) has done an examination on the relationship on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in the online shopping context.

In addition, the connection between the perceived ease of use and satisfaction of customer has been proved in certain studies. If it is to measure customer satisfaction, the perceived ease of use is a good measurement to be used on it (Saade, 2004). In e-commerce, perceiving the ease of use will affect the consumers to be more pleased and motivated in order to continue to shop via online.

2.12 Perceived usefulness

Perceived usefulness happens when consumers believe that shopping via online will improve their transaction performance (Chiu, 2009) (Davis, 1989). It is important to determining the consumer attitudes and satisfaction with the online shopping channels (Devaraj, 2002). The usage of e-learning systems depends on an improved version of TAM because it will be helpful in increasing the satisfaction of the consumer and intentions of use. (Azjen, 1980) describe that people will have a good feeling then loyalty comes if they tend to believe that. If they act a given behaviour, most probably it would bring to a positive result. Based on (Davis, 1989), loyalty of the customers will be built if they have a cognitive appraisal that a behaviour will assist them to improve their performance. (Babin, 2001) disputed that consumers are to be expected to repurchase if they are making the transaction in an effective manner, having perceived usefulness. (Chiu, 2009) also ascertained that perceived usefulness is one of the determinant to the customer loyalty.

2.2 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

TRA theory is one of the most widely used models (Fishbein, 1975). This model existed from the theory of learning and undertakes that behaviour to a specific object is approached by an intention of the behaviour to be performed. Intention signifies the conscious of the person plan to utilize the effort to perform the behaviour. The TRA was firstly introduced in the Social Psychology field. It has been commonly use to explain the people behaviour (Eagly, 1993). The TRA theorizes that behaviour is predicted by the intention of the people to involve in a given behaviour. There are two factors which predict the intention which are the attitude of the people towards the result of the behaviour and by the views of the social environment of the people. This is also called as the subjective norm (Fishbein, 1975).

It is not easy to measure the similarities of the people across the globe, hard to recommend and make rules to clarify how the people make the choices of buying (Abdulrahman, 2012). Nevertheless, the scholars who are experienced and analyse the behaviour of the customer have provided a valuable framework or guidelines of satisfactory conduct or pertaining how a customer chooses to perform a transaction. In actual fact, many of the theories which related to the behaviour of purchasing have been introduced in the developed countries like United States. In predicting the behaviour, TRA is reflected to be useful but it is not tested detailed in the less developed countries (Malhotra, 2001). It is undeniable that the necessities of boundless care need to be taken when the outcomes of studies is extended where it were conducted in the developed countries to the undeveloped countries.

(Azjen, 2006) stated that there are two constructs in TRA which are control and guided human action. The belief of his are according on certain behaviour’s consequences, the outcomes’ appraisal (Ab - Attitude), others normative anticipation belief and motivation to fulfil the anticipation (SN – Subjective norm). Therefore, the beliefs of behavioural and normative can be the foundation. This is to form additional clarification for specific actions toward a specific target. The


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