As an E-Marketing Consultant, Do the Following
Autor: Sara17 • January 6, 2018 • 913 Words (4 Pages) • 708 Views
Late submission and/or any exceed in slide limit will result in marks deduction out of 15%.
a) Submission made after presentation class: -5%;
b) Submission made 3 days after presentation day: -15%;
c) Exceed slide limit: -5%
The group report should be an exposition of your own work and ideas by working in group. If another person's ideas, opinions, concepts and/or theories are used as part of the Report, you must cite exactly where and from whom you have acquired it. For details of plagiarism, please refer to the section ‘Policy on plagiarism offence’ in the Module Outline page in Moodle or student handbook.
Assessment Method and Criteria
The assessment will be on those materials and works that have presented. Knowledge learned in the module should been correctly applied and you are recommended to have additional readings or research on required information. And you should make sure the report is well structured and easy to read.
Fulfill all requirements in the assignment. Excellent analysis and recommendation with highly relevant and concrete examples. Apply all theories and techniques in strategies and/or tactics. Organize and present information very effectively in professional format. Excellent presentation skills and respond to questions very effectively.
Fulfill all requirements in the assignment. Good analysis and recommendation with concrete examples. Apply most theories and techniques in strategies and/or tactics. Organize and present information effectively in professional format. Good presentation skills and respond to questions effectively.
Fulfill all requirements in the assignment. Fair analysis and recommendation. Apply some theories and techniques in strategies and/or tactics. Organize and present information somewhat effectively in professional format. Some presentation skills and respond to questions somewhat effectively.
Just fulfill part of the requirements in the assignment. Limited analysis and recommendation. Apply very few theories and techniques in strategies and/or tactics. Organize and present information loosely in professional format. Limited presentation skills and respond to questions loosely.
Just fulfill part of the requirements in the assignment. Poor analysis and recommendation. Fail to apply theories and techniques in strategies and/or tactics. Organize and present information poorly in professional format. Poor presentation skills and fail to respond to questions.