Pars Food Ltd. Business System
Autor: goude2017 • January 12, 2018 • 1,088 Words (5 Pages) • 739 Views
Besides, The Gaining ISO 9000 certification is one of Pars Food Ltd’s short-term objectives. This may be regarded as one of Total Quality Management’s useful tools that evaluate manufacture and service standards (Ebert & Griffin, 2013). It is mentioned that Pars Food Ltd are striving to develop its market share to Europe; thus, by achieving this qualification which is recognized and based on worldwide standards may provide the firm with the competitive advantage in term of credibility to other rivals in the international market share. Due to the certification, Pars Food Ltd could ensure to minimise customers’ risks and increase the reliability.
In conclusion, Pars Food Ltd has many objectives to improve their performance in order to maximise stakeholders’ wealth and develop the organisation. As mentioned, Total quality management is an extremely important factor of the organisation which engages in all parts of the firm. It could help Pars Food Ltd produce efficiently with quality products and services, eradicate mistakes, meet customer expectations and increase its image. On the other hand, it seems to be impossible for Pars Food Ltd to satisfy every single customer and obtain its goal of zero negative feedback since there will always be some complaints for different aspects. In case of ISO 9000, it provides Pars Food Ltd some advantages consisting of providing the competitiveness in charge of worldwide standards, increasing credibility and minimising risks for consumers. Therefore, Pars Food Ltd would be able to improve profitability and achieve their long-term goal of developing into Europe market. However, ISO label does not guarantee quality improvement continually, which may cause the improvement in services and manufacture process as the firm already achieved the certification of quality.
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