Technology: A Claw to the Souls of the Juvenile
Autor: Jannisthomas • March 14, 2018 • 2,096 Words (9 Pages) • 692 Views
new friends because I am a shy type of a person, but the semester flows smoothly as we get comfortable with each other. In our first meeting, Tita A asked us to introduce ourselves in 2 minutes in front of the class, and luckily, I was the last one who spoke so I was a bit prepared. That was not my first tine to speak in front of many people, but I still has that feeling of nervousness and anxiousness. Mannerisms like staring at the celling and at the floor trying to find the words that will complete the speech, uttering ah and um in between phrases, looking outside and even swaying the body like there was a music played are just some of the usual things that an unprofessional speaker used to do while speaking. There was many activities held that we needed to speak in from of the whole class and I observed that the majority of the class improved. I learned to control those mannerisms and speak confidently in front of the class. I also learned different listening strategies, the importance of communication whether verbal or nonverbal, how to overcome anxiety and how to be myself while speaking.
There was a task given to as that will serve as our final exam, a group presentation. We were grouped into three groups and were asked to held a symposium. I can say that I am lucky with my group mates because they are all responsible and they always pass the task that was assigned to them by our leader on time, except Francisco. He didn’t participate in any group activity. He didn’t even ask us of what is assigned to him. He didn’t attend the class regularly so it was really hard for us to adjust for him, so we decided to remove hime from the group. Our group leader, Ronselle Garcia is really responsible. She divided the tasks equally and make deadlines for us not to cram and finish the tasks as early as possible .20/20 for her. Kathrina Bamba, my partner in introduction is also responsible and she always approaches me for the task assigned to us. We helped each other in doing the introduction and the script of the first part. We finished our task before the deadline given to us by our leader. I am also giving her a perfect score. Anna Lorraine Gonzales is my partner in doing the write up in our first topic. At first, she is asking me of how are we going to do our task and after I explained it to her, she didn’t reply to my messages, she didn’t send me her write up that’s why I just do my part on it and send it to Ronselle. But I know that she did her part well. I am giving her 16/20. Ciara and Jaren Polisto was assigned to summarize the content of our write ups. I know Ciara as a responsible one. She has a great contribution to the group so I am giving her18/20. Jaren is not that active in our group but I observed that he is doing the task assigned to him I give him 15/20. I am confident that we can present our task performance smoothly because we are trying to make everything at its best. (Makalintal).
In conclusion, it is true that the technologies we have today allow humans especially young users to connect with other people around the world and make their lives easier, but it also have come with many complications. As mentioned a while ago by Lorraine Gonzales, gadgets can really contribute to learning of the students as it is useful for them and for the teachers. Many schools today inside and outside of the countries use technologies such as computers, television and social media in order to cope up with the fast changing world that we have. Regardless of all its good contributions to society’s learning process, it also brings negative effects, example of this is when the students allot more of their time to facebook, twitter and televisions than to their studies and school works which will soon result to cramming and not so good grades. Additionally, some schools permit bringing of gadgets by the students, and for this reason, they are easily distracted from listening and studying. Furthermore, Ms. Garcia said that these technologies make the youth of today lazy and dependent on it. Because of this, people are hindered from personal and social development. They are focusing more on their newly bought gadgets instead of focusing on their loved ones with them. Technology becomes more and more powerful for it can now dominate each person’s mind especially young minds. It also has the power to affect one’s behavior and yes, she aforementioned that too advancement is not good for everyone. Ciara Calangi made mention that relationships and feelings are also affected by the modernization the society has. Isn’t it just right that real emotions aren’t really shown or felt on the phone’s screens when people catch up with each other through social media instead of talking personally with each other, when they can. For that, there are miscommunications and misunderstandings that affect the relationship of one another. It is clearly said by her that technology may somehow be harmful when not used properly.Moreover, it was discussed by Kath Bamba earlier that Social media brings security threats and even fraudulent acts. As people nowadays are more skillful than ever, they can easily hack someone else’s account for their own satisfaction and to prevent this, the public must be aware and must limit the use of such media. She also mentioned about the cyber bullying caused by the misuse of social media.Everyone must be alarmed that these technologies we have today may be useful and necessary for daily living but it can affect one’s body condition and health if not handled properly as said by Mr. Polisto.
All in all, the impact of technology on human interaction paints a pretty gloomy picture. But it’s a valuable discussion to have, as it teaches us the value of balancing our offline and online communications with others – personally and professionally. I guess the best approach is to make yourself available through technology only when appropriate, so that it supplements our relationships rather than