Innovation from Google’s Free Food Strategy
Autor: Adnan • August 26, 2018 • 1,201 Words (5 Pages) • 646 Views
Organizational culture has a strong impact on organization and management, which arises from its nature and its content. Organizational culture is defined as a system of assumptions, values, norms, and attitudes, manifested through symbols which the members of an organization have developed and adopted through mutual experience and which help them determine the meaning of the world around them and how to behave in it. Expectations, values, norms, and attitudes that the members of an organization share significantly shape their informational systems. Through explanatory systems the members of an organization assign meanings to incidences within and outside the organization and understand the reality that surrounds them. The behavior, actions, and interactions of the members of an organization emerge from the meaning that the reality of that organization has for them. Organizational culture is a form of collective interpretative scheme shared by the members of an organization, due to which they assign meanings to occurrences, people, and events within and outside of the organization in a similar way and treat them similarly. Google is one of the few companies that successfully combine technological innovation with a strong organizational culture. I think with all the amenities and services they would provide for me as employee I think Google’s company culture would help me perform my tasks with a greater degree of creativity and innovation because you would be so comfortable working in the great environment. You would try your best at everything and will always be organized because of the way you are structured. Working at Google will be fun and the way the operation is provided for you I know I will not fail at what you do, because you will not want too.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006 - - 780 pages
Contemporary Management Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer M. George