Why Wnba Players Should Get Paid Just as Much as Nba Playhers
Autor: Tim • April 29, 2018 • 1,155 Words (5 Pages) • 787 Views
Many want the WNBA to invest more money in salaries immediately, as do I. However, there are many good reasons for the league not to increase its spending drastically. The WNBA is still in its early stages, so it will take time before players’ salaries can be raised. The WNBA President says that as the business grows for the WNBA then they will look to increase salaries (Adler). So in the future, as teams like the Minnesota Lynx and Los Angeles Sparks grow in revenue, salaries will increase. Until the WNBA teams meet the threshold for revenue, salaries will not match or even come close to the NBA salaries.
Works Cited
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