Sociology and Social Living
Autor: Sharon • January 30, 2019 • 725 Words (3 Pages) • 767 Views
Man’s effort to live in harmony with his environment results in what we recall culture. As define in the Chapter 2 of the book, culture is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.
I would like to highlight the Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 that talks about Marriage and the Family and The Filipino Familyrespectively. Many sociologistsbelieve that the family was the first social institution to be developed by man. All other institutions grew out of the family institutional complex. In the evolution and growth of communities, the family emerged as the oldest, the most universal and the most influential of all groups. The functions of the family in primitive society, like economic production, the distribution and consumption of goods, the maintenance of the law and order and the training and education of the young, were formalized into institutions charged with specific responsibilities.
The typical and the traditional domain of Filipino family as described in Chapter 10, described the authority in the family as patriarchal; that is the father is vested with authority although the mother plays a vital influence on household activities and decisions of the family. The Filipino finds his family his chief source of happiness. But like other families all over the world, the Filipino family has its own share of problems that may be grouped and classified according to causes: psychological and personal, cultural and economic.
As a critical history of multiple strands, Sociology and Social living, succeeds brilliantly in signposting readers to the major thinkers associated with different aspects of life.
The final pages of the book feature a glossary, a bibliography and an index.s