Films on Demand: Sociology Collection: Social Institutions
Autor: Joshua • April 15, 2018 • 1,035 Words (5 Pages) • 747 Views
“Nine Years After 9/11: Has Religious Tolerance Changed in America?”
“In this time of anxiety, when we’re fearful, when we’re afraid for our lives, for our safety, for our children, our highest values go out the window, the things we hold onto.” (McNeil/Lehrer Productions, 2012). This was an insert of Reverend Janet Vincent (Rector, St. Columbus Episcopal Church) speaking alongside Bishop Harry Jackson (Pastor, Hope Christian Church), Reza Aslan(Author), and Nick Gillespie (Editor-in -Chief, on how the lack of leadership has caused we as Americans to fear for our lives and safety, and do the very thing that we were taught not to do, judge a book by its cover. It’s no secret that after the 9/11 attacks, that seeing a Muslim in America was like seeing an African American use a Whites Only water fountain. The four of them respectfully spoke about their opinions of why religion play a huge part in the healing of America and how to go about doing so.
“TEDTalks: Daphne Koller. What We're Learning from Online Education?”
“But even in parts of the world, like the United States, where education is available, it might not be with reach.” (TED, 2013). This is an insert of Daphne Koller (Educator, Founder of Coursera) speaking on how as much time and effort is spent on college education because of the position that you may hold due to family background you may never get the job that you studied so hard for. Koller, alongside of co-founder Andrew Ng, have founded an online institution that allows for millions around the world to have access to the best classes from the top institutions around the world. In the video Koller explains what their intentions were for creating such a thing. They created it in hopes of breaking the cycle of not being considered for a job or an ivy-league college due to previous education.
The videos that I chose to watch and interpret were solely because I feel these are the top three social institutions that can use a lot of improvement among Americans. When it comes to family, religion and education the U.S. has declined in the importance. I feel that this the very reason that many of the things that take place in the U.S. is because of the lack of care when it come to the importance of social institutions.
McNeil/Lehrer Productions (2012, November). Nine Years After 9/11: Has Religion Tolerance Changed in America [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
McNeil/Lehrer Productions (2013/November). Why Are Fewer Americans Getting Married? [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
Sarhandi, N. (2008, April). Importance of Social Institutions of Society. Retrieved from
TED (2013, October). TEDTalks: Daphne Koller- What We're Learning from Online Education? [Video podcast]. Retrieved from