Proposal to Lower the Unemployment Rates Among Graduate University Students in Puerto Rico
Autor: Mikki • October 3, 2018 • 1,768 Words (8 Pages) • 795 Views
Phase 3: Employees Preparation
It is important that the professors are qualified to give these types of courses. They would need to have a strategy for the class and a plan of what assignment and projects students have to accomplish. Also how they are going to evaluate them.
The qualifications for working in this project will be mostly between professors and instructors (currently in their master’s or doctor’s degree). We ask for these specifications because we believe students should be given this opportunity the right way. Current company workers will also be a part of the project giving seminars and teaching professors and instructors with little company working experience how to achieve our goals. We will need to prepare classrooms for this project, making them more work friendly, in which we will have to hire other types of workers like staff that know how to make a work space environment.
The bulk of the cost goes to the staff (professors and management personnel) that needs to be hired to give the courses. An average of 15 to 20 between professors and personnel at a $20,000 - $25,000 a year would cost from $300,000 to $500,000, depending on the quantity of workers that the entity which carries out this plan chooses to hire. There would not be an extra cost as of structures, for the courses themselves would be given in the vacant classrooms (the ones that are not being used to give classes at that moment), which are more than a few at a time. The cleaning and maintenance of this classrooms would work as it does in a normal routine; for the university has its own maintenance staff that would clean and keep on a working state the used spaces. Also, the money could be partially financed by companies which benefit from these students taking these courses, creating a cycle of employment that helps them have a better staff for the companies and helps diminish our initial problem.
The following will serve as the tentative schedule for implementation of the student extended learning program.
Project Milestones
July 1
Formal interaction with the University management regarding the proposed plan. During these discussions, all details of the proposal will be availed in order to establish the commitment that the University can make.
July 5
Discussions with different companies and human resource organizations will be conducted in order to gather information on what they seek in new hiring’s. This information will be vital in building our curriculum.
July 22
Development of courses and syllabus.
July 30
Determine the individual professors and other staff who will take part in the new classes that will be conducted. This will ensure that we get their commitment once the program starts.
August 5
Start of program.
Evaluation Plan
The evaluation plan will be a 6-month probation. This probation will be sorted out by each faculty’s Dean, the Rector of the university and the Companies sponsoring our project. We’ve chosen this type of evaluation because they will get to decide the efficiency this project has in terms of graduate students getting good jobs and honoring their degrees. For the project to continue, there will have to be a 60% satisfaction rate among the graduates, and then this statistic will be considered by the probation officers which I already mentioned.
As said before, this project will help graduate students perform better at job interviews and have the advantage other students from other universities do not have. If they successfully pass these programs it will mean all their hard work will be counted as experienced work hours, meaning they are more likely to be chosen at their future job. Depending on their practice, if they get hired, companies do not have to waste so much time on training them, which means less time wasted and getting them to work as quick as possible. This could be great opportunities for any graduate and maybe in the future, more universities will be open to this idea, wanting to decrease unemployment.
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