Political Party Preference Paper
Autor: Sharon • November 24, 2017 • 1,850 Words (8 Pages) • 733 Views
Republicans believe that Americans should have the right to store guns and ammunition without registration. We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a right which antedated the Constitution and was solemnly confirmed by the Second Amendment. (ontheissues.org, 2015) Generally speaking, Republicans do not feel that every citizen in America has the right to own a gun. Instead, they believe that the inviolability of gun ownership rights is something that is better left to individual states to decide. (republicanview.org, 2015)
My ideology is that Americans should have a right to the 2nd Amendment, although I don’t think they should just be able to walk into any gun shop and purchase one. I believe that there should be a tighter background check on the persons before allowing them to buy a gun. The truth is that if there is a ban on assault rifles and a different system to check out information, people may very well start getting them illegally. Many Americans believe in the right to bear arms, taking that away from them may lead to a dangerous outcome.
Civil Rights:
A very heated topic is civil rights. It is a widely talked about topic and the Democrats feel very strongly towards this. The Democrats believe that the law should protect all individuals. They would like to stop discrimination towards religious, race, or sexual preference. Everyone is equal to them and they would much rather bring the American people together than break them apart. They also want to strengthen the Patriot Act and enable disability, plus 100,000 jobs.
Republicans, however, believe that constitutionally, marriage is strictly between one man and one woman. Congressional Republicans took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of States and the federal government not to recognize same-sex relationships licensed in other jurisdictions. They believe that even as a civil union, marriage should not be shared between the same sexes. They also believe in the advancement of women in the military. (ontheissues.org, 2015)
I don’t feel like same-sex marriage should be a problem. From my experience growing up, I have come to realize that the number of gays in this world are growing. But I also believe that someone’s marriage should not be decided by others. When same-sex couples try to get married, they should not be denied that right. Also, I don’t see why it would be such a big deal. I understand constitutionally that the definition of marriage is between man and woman. But what harm does it do to you if two gays want to be married? They aren’t involved in your life, so their choice doesn’t revolve around you. Gays have as much of a right to marriage as any other individual. Despite what plenty of people think, everyone is equal. As Americans, we need to come together and prosper, not argue and wither.
War and Peace:
The Republicans have a goal to prevent Iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons. The threat of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is increasing greatly. This danger is increased when outlaw regimes build or acquire weapons of mass destruction and maintain ties to terrorist groups. Republicans believe that we need to shrink the space in which terrorist can utilize. One of their main goals is to eliminate terrorists. They believe we should not take the risk of fighting terrorist in our home, so we shall go to theirs. (ontheissues.org, 2015)
Democrats, nonetheless, believe that the United States shouldn’t have forces or bases in Iraq. They feel that since we’ve been focusing on Iraq, we have taken our eyes off al-Qaeda. Today, all of those forces are out of Iraq, and there are no American bases there either. The Iraqi people, in continued partnership with the United States, now have the opportunity to build a better future. (ontheissues.org, 2015)
Before I started doing typing this section I was all for removing troops and bases in other countries. I believed that it wasn’t our business over there. We have our own country to worry about, we shouldn’t be involving ourselves into others. In spite of that, I now believe that it is a good thing to have bases in other countries. Having troops and bases spread around the world will benefit us because it will help keep other nations in check and furthermore, could prevent a lot of destruction. There needs to be balance in the world and I believe that the United States could very well be that balance with the right leader and the right ideologies. It may not be our business to involve ourselves in other nation affairs, but we’ve probably prevented numerous wars over in the Middle East.
I truly didn’t realize everything going on in the world around me until doing this research. I feel that learning all this will positively affect me. It not only gave me knowledge to what’s happening in our society, but it also informed me of statistics I could use in the future, things I didn’t know I believed in, and a place in the polls when it comes time for the presidential elections. Both Democrats and Republicans have good viewpoints for these topics, and learning of both their views helped me decide where I stand. Knowledge is key and it can only help you grow.