Immigrants Roadblock to the American Dream
Autor: Joshua • December 5, 2017 • 1,488 Words (6 Pages) • 927 Views
up in the United States ,and that is why immigrants have the lowest crime rate in the states with the highest immigration. Immigrants come to America for opportunity to live a good and happy life, which some may call the ’American Dream’. Secondly, most immigrants are not all uneducated and low skilled because some people do not know that immigrants founded half of Silicon Valley start-ups. For example, immigrants helped created the well-known companies we all use today which include Yahoo, eBay, and Google (They Take Our Jobs). Immigrants have a big role in innovation and technology, which have fueled the growth of new businesses. As reported by the Census Bureau, immigrants makes up 16 percent of resident population holding a bachelor’s degree or higher. Immigrants represent 33 percent of engineers, 27 percent mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientist, and 24 percent of physical scientist (Furman). These are not small percentages, out of all the engineers in the United States one third of them are engineers, or one fourth of mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientist or physical scientist.
On the other side people argue that immigration is overpopulating the United States. In the executive summary of the article The United States is Already Overpopulated, they argue that the United States is already too over populated, and now with the increase in immigration the sustainability for life will be harder. Things like agriculture, biodiversity, energy usage, forests, land use, sprawl, and most importantly water. Not only does population is increasing by the immigrants but the birth rates are at a all time high. Immigrants on average have an average higher birth rate than native-born Americans. They argue that if this continues the American Dream will be diminished if we continue to grow at this rate (Immigration Issues).
We have to understand that immigrants are people too. They are people who want to support, protect, and give opportunities to their families. Immigrants do not come to America to destroy everything we have. They want to be a part of society and has done nothing but help. They come to live the ‘American Dream’, which is to be successful, prosper, and work hard to become the best they can in society. My parents are the perfect example, they started with nothing when they came to American but that did not stop them, and now they have a successful business and three healthy kids that are benefiting society. Rather than allowing them to achieve their goals people brand them as uneducated, unskilled, criminals, job stealers, moochers, and just a burden on our society as a whole. With that being said, America is one of the most diverse nations in the world and is one of the things we brag about. Rather than pushing immigrants out of the United States we should be helping them feel like they are a part of this great nation.
Work Cited
"Immigration Issues." The United States Is Already Overpopulated (2009). Fairus, Sept. 2009. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.
""They take our jobs" -- Debunking Immigration Myths." Service Employees International Union Change to Win Federation USA. Web. 9 Feb. 2014.
Furman, Jason, and Danielle Gray. "Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our Economy." The White House. The White House, 12 July 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
Waldron, Travis. "Four Important Ways Immigration Reform Could Benefit Americas Economy." ThinkProgress RSS. Think Progress, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 9 Feb. 2014.