Hopes for a Healthier Future
Autor: Tim • May 8, 2018 • 1,002 Words (5 Pages) • 575 Views
The first step in this process would be to form a committee. This committee would be formed from representatives from every school district in the South Mississippi area. They would get together and educate themselves on all of the programs available for their schools. They would discuss the available funds they have to improve their food options and discuss grants available to them. Once they have reviewed all of their options, the committee will decide what the best option is for each district.
The second step would be to hold a meeting in each district for all of the school workers and parents to inform them of the changes being made. In order for these programs to be successful, they need 100% support from everyone involved. In these meetings, they will discuss how important it is that we start building a brighter future for our children. Their health is our responsibility.
Once we have the support of everyone involved, the last step is to actually implement the changes. Giving the children healthier food options, creating after school programs, and inspiring them to play more will better their lives for the future. The schools can create a class that teaches the kids about what foods are healthy for you and how they can have fun and exercise at the same time. Schools can have healthy cooking classes that teaches the kids how to cook their own healthy food. Once we have instilled this knowledge and way of living into these children, they will teach the children who come after them these same things. We could change the future of our kids, for the better, by paving the way for them to lead a healthier life now.
Works Cited
"About Childhood Obesity." Alliance for a Healthier Generation. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2016. www.healthiergeneration.org/about_childhood_obesity
"Kids In Super Shape." Kids In Super Shape. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 July 2016. .
"Let's Move." America's Move to Raise A Healthier Generation of Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 July 2016. .