Feminism and Equality?
Autor: Sara17 • November 21, 2017 • 1,093 Words (5 Pages) • 833 Views
Violence against is woman happens all too much, but what about violence against men
There is a big chance that there is a large number of incidents go unreported because the victim is a man. Would they be taken serious anyway, by police officers, judges? They are then labeled NOT MAN Enough, if they do report against their wife or girlfriend, maybe a sister. Women are not the only victims; men can be abused too. I recently googled to locate a women’s shelter in NJ, and came up with about five local and not so local shelters. It’s no surprise, something came up, I must say I was in in of these shelters called women rising. Then I googled, Men’s shelter in NJ, I came up with nothing but a few websites that might be helpful but wasn’t what I was looking for. Again, how is this equality? Should we go on ignoring this? How can we assume that not one man needs as much help as a woman? [pic 2]
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Women advocates need to start focusing more on equality then just fighting for women’s rights. Equality as a whole, we have our right to vote, to become president or doctors. We are losing in pay grades, something that should be focused on, or being hired in general. That in my opinion is something to deserves more attention. I believe that we will never be equal until we are free from feminism, or any advocate group that is similar. A woman can commit the same crime as man, she should be held accountable just like a man. We can be just as non-nurturing, deceiving, as our partner, our gender differences shouldn’t affect the outcome. We should be fighting for together and not split by our differences, because if ever there was a day where we get everything we want, is it really making a difference? Or will it start a new problem, and start a new advocate rights movement. Men and women, we stand together and not fight against each other. We are all one and must be united to live and this a better place.
IMAGES BY BING SEARCH BAR -https://www.bing.com/search?q=women's%20shelter%20nj&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=women's%20shelter%20nj&sc=8-18&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=F3D6E9BE47E64EFBBC1661DBAC7CE7FA
WIKIPEDIA DEFINITION OF FEMINISM -https://www.bing.com/search?q=feminism&form=EDGEAR&qs=AS&cvid=0393d8dde0e648f3bc182a6d9badf0c7&pq=femin