Deforestation: Mankind’s Relentless Expansion
Autor: Rachel • August 28, 2017 • 1,436 Words (6 Pages) • 756 Views
I love the way Loren Eiseley puts our need for the environment in perspective in How Flowers Changed the World. He says “Without the gift of flowers and the infinite diversity of their fruits, man and bird, if they had continued to exist at all, would be today unrecognizable (Eiseley 347).” Eiseley is stating just how one small seed could flourish to create an “explosion” of life. He finds it really intriguing just how such a vast growth of life all came from just a seed. Eiseley is stating that without the gift of “flowers” or natural life, there would be no existence for man. He would want mankind to be more aware of the effects of deforestation and pollution and take whatever precautions necessary to prevent it. Eiseley wants every person to be aware of just how influential they are to the preservation of the environment. Henry Beston also wrote about the proper attitude towards the environment in Orion Rises on the Dunes. He wrote, “Whatever attitude to human existence you fashion for yourself, know that it is valid only if it be the shadow of an attitude to Nature… Do not dishonor to the earth lest you dishonor the spirit of man (Beston 206).” Beston wants us to think of Nature as we would think of ourselves. To honor and protect the environment like you would your own kind. Although it may be a little over-the-top, people should still think about what Beston says and alter their thoughts towards the preservation of our environment.
Mankind is the ultimate suspect when it comes to this destructive potential on our planet. Our encroachment upon the environment, and in far too many instances, the outright destruction of our environment is inexcusable and needs to be dealt with immediately. The human race, as a whole, is without a doubt the single, most influential reason for ecological imbalance on our planet. But also conversely, we are the only species on this planet with the common knowledge to greatly affect this world’s ecosystem in the most positive way. We all must use this power wisely because we have the ability within ourselves to either save or destroy. The choice and ability is up to us and we have a responsibility, yet a civil duty, to prolong the life of our environment. The human race as a species must acquire an environmental conscience or some sort of awareness. Without this awareness, our shortsightedness and overall lack of sympathy will doom our environment, which has the potential to end the human race as a species in all.
Works Cited
McKibben, Bill. American Earth: Environmental Writing Since Thoreau.
New York, New York: The Library of America, 2008. Print.
Blanton, Barry. Sergengeti Watch. 09 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.>.