A Woman’s Choice
Autor: Maryam • January 3, 2018 • 964 Words (4 Pages) • 821 Views
an acceptance speech, “I am a woman and I have these human rights: The right to life. The right to privacy. The right to freedom. The right to bodily integrity. The right to decide when and how I reproduce” (Chemaly 2013), with such affects that could happen to a woman and her life a woman is the one who pays the consequences of others choices about her body. With such choices being made because of traditions and politicians’ own values most woman pay the ultimate price for it.
With the mother’s wellbeing and care being important it is always important to know that no matter the reason why a woman decides on an abortion it is her business and no one else. With the continue advancements in socio-economic, women are sharing their voices on abortion and as society not everything is black or white for a woman might require an abortion if she cannot afford to have a child at the current time, even victims of sexual assault or women only voicing their concern for their health need to be heard.
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