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Sci 220 - Body Fat and Eating Disprders

Autor:   •  April 14, 2018  •  1,333 Words (6 Pages)  •  781 Views

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Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are some of the most debilitating psychological conditions known to humanity, and the results can be devastating. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating are all eating disorders. There are many physiological issues that are associated with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Many of these people suffer from low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and self-image issues.


According to “Mayoclinic”, (2017), “people with anorexia place a high value on controlling their weight and shape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with activities in their lives”. People who have anorexia do not eat enough food to support their body. Their body then starts to shut down and eat their lean body mass. People who suffer from anorexia nervosa loses more weight than consider to be healthy for their age and height. They might have severe concern for gaining weight even if they are greatly underweight. Most likely a person suffering from anorexia diet and exercise too much or don’t eat at all for long periods of time. They might even use certain drugs that leads to weight loss or suppresses appetite. The risks associated with anorexia are bones weakening, higher risk of infections, malnutrition, tooth decay, thyroid gland problems, severe dehydration and even death.


Bulimia is a disorder when a person binge eats and feels a loss of control which they use different ways to prevent themselves from gaining weight. The methods people use are vomiting and abusing laxatives. People who throw up on a regular base will slowly cause their teeth to become weaker and will also cause many different problems to their throat and mouth. Bulimia causes problems with dental health such as cavities and gingivitis. Other risks that are associated are tears in the esophagus from excessively vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, constipation, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids and sometimes death.

Binge Eating

Binge eating is a serious condition that causes a person to consume a large amount of food usually in secret. It is compulsion that causes a person to resist the urge to consume a large amount of food at one time. When people binge eat, their bodies will store all the food that is consumed because the body does not know when it will eat again. A person who suffers from this disorder can have serious health problems which include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol levels and gallbladder disease.


Over 66% of this nation is overweight or obese. That is two out of every three people. Excess body fat and eating disorders are bad for your overall health. Both can be very dangerous. People need to know how to stay healthy. They need to know how to make good food and activity choices. The best way to do this is through education. Children as well as adults need to be taught about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.



Campbell, N. (2015, December). Health Risks Associated with Elevated BMI or Excessive Body Fat. Livestrong, (), Retrieved from

DuVall, J. (2017, January). The 6 Best Ways to Measure Body Fat Percentage. Daily Burn, (), Retrieved from

Garko, M.G. (2011, February). Overweight and obesity in America – Part V: Non-Modifiable Risk Factors. Health and Wellbeing Monthly. Retrieved from

Healthline. (2017). Retrieved from

Mayoclinic. (2017). Retrieved from

Scott, J. R. (2017, February). What is Body Composition? Very Well, (), Retrieved from


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